بنك أسئلة محلول للاختبار القصير انجليزي ثاني عشر فصل اول #أ. محمد عمران 2023 2024

بنك أسئلة محلول للاختبار القصير انجليزي ثاني عشر فصل اول #أ. محمد عمران 2023 2024

بنك أسئلة محلول للاختبار القصير انجليزي ثاني عشر فصل اول #أ. محمد عمران 2023 2024

محتوى وبنود الاختبار القصير 

ما هي مكونات الاختبار القصير في الصف الحادي عشر بقسميه ؟

 يتكون الاختبار القصير في الصف الحادي عشر فقط من ثلاث ( أسئلة) كل سؤال يختص بجانب معين.

أولا: الـ Vocabulary الكلمات:: ( ۲۰) درجة

 وتكون عبارة عن أربع جمل اختيار من متعدد من الكلمات التي تم دراستها في الثلاث وحدات الأولى ، يقوم الطالب باختيار الكلمة التي تناسب الجملة بشكل تام وتكون درجة كل جملة ( 5 درجات). 

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences 

ثانيا: الـ Grammar القاعد: (۲۰ درجة) 

وتكون عبارة عن أربع جمل تكون اختيار من متعدد بشكل مختلف حيث أن الجملة يكون بنهايتها قوس وداخل القوس يطلب من الطالب أن يقوم بشيء معين مثل ( كون سؤال ، صحح ، أكمل... الخ) ويختار الطالب الإجابة التي تناسب المطلوب وتكون درجة كل جملة ( ٥ درجات). 

A) From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required

ثالثا: الـ writing التعبير 40 درجة 

وتكون عبارة عن جزئيتين النقطة الأولى ويطلب من الطالب عمل مخطط للفقرة المطلوبة وتكون درجة

المخطط ( 5 درجات) النقطة الثانية يقوم الطالب بكتابة فقرة واحدة فقط مكونة من ٦ جمل وتكون درجتها ٣٥ درجة 

المخططA) Outline ( 5Marks) 

Introductory sentence


Main idea

Concluding sentence

المخطط ( Topic ( 35 Marles 8


اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (1) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences

During the rush hour the heavy traffic can …… the citys streets

a. value  b. allewate  e. clog  d. necessitate 

 She left a/an ……….on the kitchen table reminding her husband to buy the groceries 

a, resort  b. grievance  C. catnpaign  d- note ……

. the heavy rain forced the organizers to cancel the outdoor event…… 

a. Uitfartunotely   b.Regardless  c. Nervously  d. Ultin•ately 

The………shortage Of Cleon water hoe led ton humanitarian criSiS in the area

a, dire   b. inevitable   c. petty    d. animated

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

The first draft of the novel is full of errors. The final version is a masterpiece. ( Use: whereas) 

a) The first draft of the novel is full of errors. Whereas the final version is a masterpiece

. b) The first draft of the novel is full of errors, whereas the final version.

 c) The first draft of the novel is full of errors, whereas the final version is a masterpiece

.She decided to repair the old furniture. She couldn't buy new pieces ( Use: instead of) 

. a) She decided to repair the old furniture instead of she couldn't buy new pieces.

 b) She decided to repair the old furniture instead of buying new pieces

. c) She decided to repair the old furniture instead of not buying new pieces.

 Yes, the team has won three championships since 2012 ( Ask a question) 

?. a) has the team won three championships since 2012

? b) Did the team win three championships since 2012

 ?c) had the team has won three championships since 2012

( Tag question)?…… You had met the CEO

? a) You had met the CEO, had you

? b) You had met the CEO, didn't you

 ?c) You had met the CEO, hadn't you

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) Law and order exist to establish justice. With reference to the previous statements plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about: Why is law important in our life 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence 


?Main idea (1): Why a law important in our Life


Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

?Why is law important in our life


اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (2) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences

The construction of the new highway will many families from Their homes. 

a, define   b. displace   c. emigrate    d. donate 

 Protectingyour intellectual is ihpot'tant in the digital where ideas con be e.aslly copied. 

a. property    b. spring    c. migrant    d. suffrage 

 The musician'S hands shook „ before playing his first solo in front of the audience 

a. regardless   b. ultimately    c. nervously    d. unfortunately 

 Despite The . improvement in her hedthr the doctors recommended nore tests. 

a. arduous   b. tolerant    c. choritoble    d. apparent 

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

 The new software is more user-friendly, The older version iS compdicated, (Use: in cotnpariSon with) 

a) The new software is more vser•friend'y in comparison with the older ver-siam is complicated

b) The new software is more user-friendly in comparison with being complicated

c) The new software iS user-friendly in comparison with the older version

( She prefers liviæ in big cities. Rer Sister likes the courst"Side, (Use: On the Other hand'

a) She prefers living in big cities. On the other hand, her sister likes the countryside.

 b) She prefers living in big cities, on the other hand, her sister doesn't like the countryside

. c) She prefers living in big cities. On the other hand, not the countryside. 

She has visited Paris several times in her life( Make negative) 

. a) She hasn't visited Paris several times in her life yet. 

b) She hasn't never visited Paris several times in her life

. c) She hasn't never visited Paris several times in her life yet

 As soon as they had received the news, they celebrated their victory.( Passive) 

 a) As soon as the news was received, the victory was celebrated by them.

 b) As soon as the news had been received, the victory was celebrated by them.

 c) As soon as the news has been received, the victory was celebrated by them. 

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) No society can survive without laws. With reference to the previous statements plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about: What might happen in the absence of law 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence 


?Main idea (1): What might happen in the absence of law 

Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

What might happen in the absence of Law


اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (3) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences:

 The between the two companies over the patent rights has been ongoing for years. 

a, persuasion   b. boom   c. litigation   d. overview 

 Some charities provide assistance to the elderly who live alone at home. 

a. regardless    b. unfortunately   c. compassionately    d. nervously 

 He decided to a village to provide his family with a and safe environment- 

a. engage in   b. obliterate   c. sue   d. reside 

 It is important to remember that everyone is . until proven guilty by a court. 

a, innocent   b. legal   c. meticulous   d, foreign

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

 She didn't watch TV. She spent the evening reading a book ( Use: instead of...) 

a) Instead of watching TV, she spent the evening reading a book.

 b) Instead of she didn't watch TV, she spent the evening reading a book.

 c) Instead of not watch TV, she spent the evening reading a book.

She has lived in this neighbourhood for ten years.( Ask a question) 

? a) how long did she live in this neighbourhood 

?b) how many years has she lived in this neighbourhood

?c) Since when had she lived in this neighbourhood

 he enjoys spicy food. his friend has a preference for milder flavors. ( Use: Whereas) 

a) Whereas enjoying spicy food, his friend has a preference for milder flavors

. b) Whereas he enjoys spicy food, his friend has a preference for milder flavors. 

c) Whereas he enjoys spicy food. his friend has a preference for milder flavors.

  After she ( finish) her presentation, the audience applauded. ( Correct the verb)

a) After she was finishing her presentation, the audience applauded.

 b) After she finishes her presentation, the audience applauded.

 c) After she had finished her presentation, the audience applauded

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) Speeding is not just a break for law, it is a disregard of human life. With reference to the previous statement plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about: What should we do with those who break speed limits 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence


?Main idea (1):What should we do with those who break speed limits


Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

?What should we do with those who break speed limits



اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (4) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences:

 The doctor explained that the patient condition health ............. an urgent surgery. 

a, necessitated   b. decimated   c. obliterated    d. donated 

 Students have a/an about the unfair grading of their English exant papers, 

a. famine   b. rift   c. grievance   d. diversity 

 Many celebrities use their fame to engage in events to raise money for the needy- 

a. perturbed   b. charitable   c. arduous   d. meticulous 

 of your personal preferences, you have to respect others' opinions and needs. 

a, Regardless   b. Ultimately  c. Nervously   d, Compassionately

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required:

(If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it ( boil). ( Correct the verb

a) If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boiled.

b) If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it would boil

 c) If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils

I ( just take) a photography course to improve me skills.( Correct the verb) 

 a) I have just taken a photography course to improve me skills. 

b) I have just been taken a photography course to improve me skills. 

c) I have just been taking a photography course to improve me skills. 

 She rode her bicycle to work. She didn't drive the car to reduce pollution. ( Use: instead of...) 

a) She rode her bicycle to work instead of driving the car to reduce pollution

. b) She rode her bicycle to work instead of she didn't drive the car to reduce pollution.

 c) She rode her bicycle to work instead of reducing pollution

. She realized that she…….( Complete)

a) She realized that she leaves her phone at the café.

 b) She realized that she has been leaving her phone at the café

. c) She realized that she had left her phone at the café

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) Migration is an aspiration for safety. With reference to the previous statements plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about: What are the advantages of migration? 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence 


?Main idea ( 1): What are the advantages of migration


Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

?What are the advantages of migration


اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (5) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences

 Liverpool .....…....filled the stadium, cheering and singing loudly for Mohamed Salah. 

a, speed limits  b, supporters  c. migrants  d, anthropologists 

Many health campaigns encourage people to……. blood to save lives ill case Of an emergency- 

a. reside  b. displace  c. donate  d. govern 

 The professor gave a/an …….overview Of the course on the first day of class, 

a. tolerant   b. civil    c. foreign  d. brief 

, the success of the product depends on the satisfaction of the customers…….. 

a, Nervously   b, Ultimately   c, Compassionately   d, IJnfortunately

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required

 They have constructed a new office building in record time( Passive) 

. a) The new office building has been constructed in record time.

 b) The new office building had been constructed in record time

. c) The new office building was constructed in record time. 

( The quality of galaxy chocolate is high ( instead of) other chocolate bars. ( Correct

a) The quality of galaxy chocolate is high on the other hand other chocolate bars. 

b) The quality of galaxy chocolate is high whereas other chocolate bars. 

c) The quality of galaxy chocolate is high in comparison with other chocolate bars. 

As soon as he had submitted his application, he received a conformation e- mail. ( Use: Before) 

a) Before he had submitted his application, he received a conformation e- mail. 

b) he had submitted his application before he received a conformation e- mail. 

c) he had submitted his application before he had received a conformation e- mail.

  If he had more time, he ( learn) to play the guitar( Correct the verb)

. a) If he had more time, he will learn to play the guitar.

 b) If he had more time, he would have learnt to play the guitar

. c) If he had more time, he would learn to play the guitar. 

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) Migration may be a way to recreate a better future. With reference to the previous statement plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about ; The disadvantages of migration. 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence 


Main idea ( 1): The disadvantages of migration


Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

The disadvantages of migration



اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (6) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences

 During his .............with the dietician Salman learned more about the best eating habits. 

a, boom   b, migrant   c. consultation   d. empathy 

The explosion was so powerful that it …..the whole building and killed many people. 

a. obliterated   b. alleviated   c. enforced    d. claimed 

I forgot to save my work, and I lost all the changes made to the essay……..

a. Ultimately   b. Nervously   c. Compassionately   d. Unfortunately 

 The internet has become a/an ………tool for communication and information exchange. 

a, tolerant   b, universal   c, perturbed   d. hurnanitarian

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required

  They have known each other since they ( be) children.( Correct the verb) 

 a) They have known each other since they have been children.

 b) They have known each other since they were children.

c) They have known each other since they will be children. 

 The safety features in this car are superior. Similar models are bad. ( Use: in comparison with) 

a) In comparison with similar models are bad, the safety features in this car are superior.

 b) In comparison with similar models, the safety features in this car are superior. 

c) In comparison with similar models. The safety features in this car are superior.

 he reached the airport. The flight had already left. ( Use: by the time) 

a) By the time he reached the airport, the flight had already left

. b) he had reached the airport by the time the flight had already left.

 c) By the time he reached the airport, the flight left.

 The chef prepared the gourmet meal with creation( Use: creatively)

. a) The chef prepared the gourmet meal with creatively.

 b) The chef prepared the gourmet meal in a creatively way.

 c) The chef prepared the gourmet meal creatively 

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) Our values are the compass by which we navigate our lives. With reference to the previous statement plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about: how can we spread human values in society? 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence


?Main Idea ( 1): how can we spread human values in society


Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

?How can we  human values in society



اختبار قصير تجريبي رقم (7) للفترة الدراسية الأولى للعام الدراسي 2023-2024 م

Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word for the following sentences

 It is essential to ensure the . .......of the workers by giVing them good salaries and safe conditions. 

a, penalty  b. welfare  c. empathy   d. boom 

 The couple will ....... a small flat in the city centre until they build their permanent house. 

a. rent    b, emigrate   c. decimate   d. enforce 

 The jewelry …….design and skill are evident in this diamond necklace, 

a. disgruntled    b. strenuous   c. brief    d. meticulOus 

 The child held his father's hand .........while they were waiting for the dentist's appointment. 

a, compassionately    b. nervously   C. ultimately   d, unfortunately

Grammar (20 Marks)

B – From a, b, and c, choose the correct answer as required

he's experienced many different cultures……..?  ( Tog question) 

a) he's experienced many different cultures, isn't he 

?b) he's experienced many different cultures, hasn't he

 ?c) he's experienced many different cultures, doesn't he

  If I ( see) the warning sign, I wouldn't have entered the restricted area.( Correct the verb) 

 a) If I saw the warning sign, I wouldn't have entered the restricted area.

 b) If I am seeing the warning sign, I wouldn't have entered the restricted area.

 c) If I had seen the warning sign, I wouldn't have entered the restricted area, 

he reached the airport. The flight had already left.( Use: by the time) 

 a) By the time he reached the airport, the flight had already left

. b) he had reached the airport by the time the flight had already left.

 c) By the time he reached the airport, the flight left.

The speaker addressed the crowd in an eloquent manner.( Use: eloquently)

 a) The speaker addressed the crowd eloquently. 

b) The speaker addressed the crowd in an eloquently manner.

 c) The speaker addressed the crowd in an eloquently

Writing (40 Marks)

Expository Essay: ( student's book page:) The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. With reference to the previous statement plan and write a well- structured paragraph of ( 6 sentences) about: The benefits people can get from voluntary work. 

Outline (5 Marks) 

 Introductory Sentence


Main idea ( 1): The benefits people can get from voluntary work 


Concluding Sentence

Topic (35 Marks)

The benefits people can get from voluntary work



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