نماذج تعبير للاختبار القصير1 انجليزي ثاني عشر فصل أول #أ. إياد اليعقوب
III. Writing (40 Marks)
Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about " The importance of law in." society
( أهمية القانون في المجتمع )
Write your outline (5 Marks)
Introductory sentence Law is a set of rules that control society. Supporting details - guides human actions - protects the rights of people - ensures a safe society - reduces crimes and violence Concluding sentence To sum up, law can play a vital role in making the lives of people living together organized. |
Write your topic here (35 Marks)
Law is a set of rules that control society. It is very important
because it guides human actions. Also, laws are made to protect the
rights of people. In addition, it can ensure a safe and just society.
Finally, strict laws can reduce crimes and violence dramatically. To
sum up, law can play a vital role in making the lives of people living
together organized.
III. Writing (40 Marks)
Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about " What would happen in the " law of absence
( ماذا يحدث بغياب القانون )
Write your outline (5 Marks)
Introductory sentence Law is a set of rules that control society and without it a lot of things would happen. Supporting details - live in chaos / a mess - crimes spread - people feel unsafe - society breaks down Concluding sentence To sum up, law is very important as it can play a vital role in making the lives of people living together organized. |
Write your topic here (35 Marks)
Law is a set of rules that control society and without it a lot of
things would happen. For example, if there were no laws, people
would live in a mess (chaos). Also, crimes and violence would
spread. In addition, people would feel unsafe. Finally, society would
break down. To sum up, law is very important as it can play a vital
role in making the lives of people living together organized.
III. Writing (40 Marks)
Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about " The reasons why people".emigrate
( أسباب الهجرة )
Write your outline (5 Marks)
Introductory sentence A lot of people leave their homes and emigrate for different reasons. Supporting details - seeking better life - seeking better education - escaping civil wars - escaping natural disasters Concluding sentence To sum up, migration is a double-edged weapon but it has a lot of benefits for people and countries. |
Write your topic here (35 Marks)
A lot of people leave their homes and emigrate for different
reasons. First, some people migrate to seek a better life and better
jobs. Second, other people migrate to seek better education. Third,
others migrate to escape civil wars in their countries. Finally, natural
disasters, such as floods and earthquakes, could force people to
flee and leave their homelands. To sum up, migration is a double-
edged weapon but it has a lot of benefits for people and countries.
Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about " The advantages and".migration of disadvantages
(إيجابيات وسلبيات الهجرة )
Write your outline (5 Marks)
Introductory sentence Leaving home and going to live in a foreign country has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Supporting details ![]() Concluding sentence To sum up, migration is a double-edged weapon. |
Write your topic here (35 Marks)
Leaving home and going to live in a foreign country has a lot of
advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, people who
migrate can get better life, jobs and education. Also, they can lean
about different cultures. On the other hand, some migrants feel
homesick and they lose their identity. In addition, they sometimes
face a cultural shock and racism in host countries. To sum up,
migration is a double-edged weapon.
III. Writing (40 Marks)
Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about " Why human values are important to have a peaceful society
( أهمية القيم الإنسانية )
Write your outline (5 Marks)
Introductory sentence Human values are very important to have a peaceful society. Supporting details - right and wrong - gain self-respect - based on justice - making peace is important Concluding sentence To sum up, human values are fundamental to our existence because they determine our actions and define our identity. |
Write your topic here (35 Marks)
Human values are very important to have a peaceful society.
First, by learning human values we can know which is right and
which is wrong. Second, if we follow human values, we will gain
self-respect. Third, human values invite us to live a peaceful life
based on justice. Finally, human values teach us that making
peace is very important. To sum up, human values are
fundamental to our existence because they determine our
actions and define our identity.