اختبار قصير نموذج (2) انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #2021 2022

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اختبار قصير نموذج (2) انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #2021 2022

اختبار قصير نموذج (2) انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #2021 2022


I- Vocabulary (20 Marks)

A) Choose the correct answer from (a, b, c and d)

5- Some people try to ................ their anger by remaining calm in upsetting situations

a. promote

 b. conceal

 c. reverse

 d. appoint

6- The government eventually decided to modernize the crumbling ............ of the city

a- depopulation

 b- infrastructure

 c- unemployment

 d- overcrowding
7- Fingerprints, which are .......... features to each individual, do not change over time.

a. geriatric

 b. deserted

 c. unique

 d. restful

8- Singapore is one of the most .......... populated places with multicultural backgrounds.

a. frequently

 b. densely

 c. vice versa

 d. customarily

II- Grammar (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

B) Do as shown in brackets 

1- Where have you been? (Reported Speech)

a- The father asked his son where he has been.

b- The father asked his son where he had been.

c- The father asked his son where had he been.

2-As soon as we had left the house, it exploded. (Use No sooner)

a- No sooner had we left the house than it exploded.

b- No sooner we had left the house than it exploded.

c- No sooner had we leave the house than it explode.

3-The man has won the talent contest. His daughter is in my class. (Join using: Whose )

a- The man whose has won the talent contest, His daughter is in my class.

b- The man, whose daughter is in my class, has won the talent contest.

c- The man has won the talent contest whose his daughter is in my class.

4- We used to stay in an old hotel. (Ask a question)

 ? a- Where do you use to stay

 ? b- Where did you use to stay

 ? c- How did you use to stay

III-Writing: (40 M)

Living in a city is the dream of many people. In not less than 8 sentences plan and write a paragraph arguing about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city, stating your position.

The Outline ( 5 marks)

I- Introductory sentence

II- Supporting details


III- Concluding sentence


Write Your paragraph Here (35 Marks)


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