أوراق عمل الوحدة السادسة انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبدالسلام 2021 2022

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أوراق عمل الوحدة السادسة انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبدالسلام 2021 2022

أوراق عمل الوحدة السادسة انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي ف2 #أ. رشا عبدالسلام 2021 2022

Revision 1 9-3-2022

…….Grade 2: Name

Unit 6

: Writing

Write the capital letter

 c b a
 f e d
 i h g
 l k j
 o n m
 r q p
 u t s
 x w v
   z y

Punctuate the following

1. let’s go shopping


2. i got a tasty pie


3. nada goes to the bookshop on friday


4. they buy bread at the bakery


5. rashid buys books from the bookshop


6. he has jam and cupcakes for his breakfast


7. this is a small pie


8. we buy jam at the supermarket



Complete the sentences with the suitable word

1. I like eating ------------ for breakfast.

2. I go to the ———————- on Friday.

3. Let’s go to the ——————— to buy bread.

4.  ——————.This is a big apple

5. We buy —————— at the supermarket

Re-order words to form correct sentences
1. is - a - small - this - box


2. is - a - big - this - book


3. buy - from - we - the - bread - bakery


4. go - the - let’s- the - bookshop - buy - books - to - to


5. buy - let’s- cake - for - his - a - birthday


6. like - eating - cupcakes- i- the - in - morning


7. go - let’s- shopping


8. have - jam - for - bread - i- and - breakfast



Classify the following words

book - shark - good - shop - play - day - cook - shopping - stay - what


Classify the following words

hook – when – round – loud – wood – what – whale – sound - look - cheese



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