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اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الخامسة - READING COMPREHENSION
اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الخامسة - READING COMPREHENSION
What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?
Why movie theatres were important during the hot days.
The importance of drug stores.
The effects of childhood memories.
What kind of movies they watched.
The OPPOSITE of the underlined word “scorching” in the 2nd paragraph is:
The underlined word “it” in the 3rd paragraph refers to:
the heat
that particular day
the second movie
the theatre
Why wasn’t the idea that the writer first suggested nice?
Because they wanted to watch a movie.
Because there was no air conditioner in the drug store.
Because the drug store wouldn’t let people stay there for a long time.
Because the drug store didn’t let children enter drug stores.
All the following statements are TRUE, EXCEPT:
The manager didn’t like John Wayne’s movies.
The weather was too hot during that day.
They boys watched the movies more than once.
They didn’t want to stay home.
The purpose of the writer in writing the passage is to:
tell the readers about the importance of going to the cinema.
tell us about one of his memories during hot days.
inform us about how movie theatres used to work.
show us why childhood memories are important.
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تفاصيل الخطأ
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