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اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الرابعة - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الرابعة - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
Choose the most suitable answer: You bought a new mobile. You need to call the telecommunication company to activate your account.
Hello! I am calling to choose another mobile.
Hello! I am calling to request activating my account on my new mobile.
Hello! I am calling to buy a new mobile.
Hello! I am calling to know how to fix my new mobile.
Choose the most suitable answer: Kuwait Airlines offers many tourist destinations to Europe. Your family needs to choose one.
Excuse me, how much are the tickets to Australia?
I prefer to go to Asia and to go to Europe next year.
I'd recommend travelling to Germany. The weather there is great.
I'm sorry I don't like staying at home alone.
Choose the most suitable answer: You received the new AC system, but you found it faulty. You need to call the company.
Why don't you call the company?
Thank you for calling, I really appreciate it.
Hello, I hope you can help me with my new AC system.
I prefer to use the new AC system.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your young brother wants to buy a motorbike for his birthday.
In my opinion, I think it is dangerous. I'd recommend a scooter.
Hello, I'm calling to ask about the new motorbikes.
What about buying a new motorbike?
You need to buy the most expensive one.
Choose the most suitable answer: You haven't finished your school project and the deadline is tomorrow.
I plan to join Kuwait University.
That's wrong . You shouldn't do that.
I should ask my sister's help.
Why don't you serf the YouTube to get the information you need.
Choose the most suitable answer: Scientists believe that if we don’t save sources of energy, we will be in trouble.
You shouldn't do that .It will hurt your eyes.
That's wrong . You shouldn't do that.
First, you will apply online through the link. Then choose the major and pay the fees.
That's true . We will run out of energy sources.
بلاغ عن خطأ
مقدم البلاغ
تفاصيل الخطأ
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