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اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الثالثة - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الثالثة - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
Choose the most suitable answer: You want to persuade your sister to go with you to the concert during the weekend.
What about visiting some touristic sites?
Please ask any questions you would like to.
Why don’t we go to the concert and spend a nice time?
I’ve visited the largest mosque in Europe.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your brother wonders why the online order has not arrived yet.
From my point of view, they are so far the best in delivery.
It will probably be delivered tomorrow.
Do not mention it.
What can I do for you, Madam?
Choose the most suitable answer: Your father refused to let you go with your friends to the cinema.
The flat is more modern than the hut.
In my opinion, I need to go to the supermarket.
Can't I persuade you to change your mind, Dad?
I guess I need to sleep because I'm tired.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your uncle wonders why the television set is not working.
In my opinion, computer games are an amusing educational tool.
How can I drive the car?
The socket is probably not switched on.
From my point of view, it is the best building.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your friend suggests that you go to a new café this weekend.
That is a good idea.
Let’s change the way we used to study.
Why don’t we change the drink today?
Let’s talk to the shop manager.
Choose the most suitable answer: You want to persuade your father to buy you a motorbike.
Please dad, I’d be very happy if you buy me a motorbike.
I'd like the blue color.
What about putting it in front of the TV?
I hope he is fine. Why don’t we visit him?
بلاغ عن خطأ
مقدم البلاغ
تفاصيل الخطأ
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