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اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الثانية - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
نقرات: 3959 / مشاهدات: 324181
اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الثانية - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
Choose the most suitable answer: A friend of yours wants to know what you think of travelling abroad.
I will buy a book next month with the money I saved.
Freej Al Sweelh is a nice restaurant.
I think it's a good experience.
Nice to meet you.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your brother thanked you for the graduation present you got him.
I agree with the idea of having a graduation party.
Don’t worry your friend will be fine.
Never do that again or you will be punished.
You are welcome, you deserve it.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your neighbour helped you to carry a heavy bag into the house.
I think it will rain tomorrow. We can’t sit in the garden.
Can you take me to the airport, please?
I didn’t expect that behaviour from you.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your help.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your sister wants to know your opinion about the book you have just finished reading.
Some books are hard to find, we must order them online.
Bookshops are the best place to visit.
I will buy a book next month with the money I saved.
It is a very fascinating book. I really like it.
Choose the most suitable answer: A friend of yours helped you finish your assignment.
What about selling it?
Yes ,that's fine.
You are welcome.
Thank you for your time.
Choose the most suitable answer: Your father doesn’t know what to do with his old car.
Don’t worry your friend will be fine.
What about selling it?
I think its a good experience
I think it will rain tomorrow. We can’t sit in the garden.
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