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اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الاولى - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
اختبار الكتروني انجليزي للصف العاشر الوحدة الاولى - LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS
Choose the right response: Your friends asked you what you’d like to do this weekend.
I am sorry to disturb you, but the floor is wet.
I am going to the cinema. There’s a new movie coming out.
Watch out! There’s a car heading towards us.
Yummy, that cake tastes good
Choose the right response: A friend of yours asked you to go out for a walk by the sea.
What an interesting article!
I prefer walking in Al-Wafra farms first, how about that?
I would like to have a vegetarian sandwich, please.
I hope it’s okay to postpone the meeting, I am very busy now.
Choose the right response: You did so much homework. Ask your Mum for a break.
Mum, may I take a short break, please?
Let’s go to the chalet for the weekend and celebrate.
My name is Ahmed, and I am an Engineer.
I would like to live in the village.
Choose the right response: The air hostess asked you whether you would like a window or an aisle seat.
Hurry, the train is leaving!
Happy birthday dearest Dalal!
When is the next exam coming?
It doesn’t matter, I don’t mind sitting anywhere.
Choose the right response: You have had a meal in a new restaurant and you liked the food they served.
I think ,it's the right decision to take.
Great. Good idea.
It's very delicious, I think it will be my favourite restaurant.
I prefer to drink fresh juice it's a healthy drink.
Choose the right response: Your father asks about your plans for the coming vacation.
Thank you very much, it's a very expensive present.
I'm going to travel to Dubai.
Hello. My name is Ali.
Can you show me the way to the science Centre ,please ?
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