نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019
نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019 نقدمه لكم في ملف بي دي اف مجانا للتحميل والتصفح من موقعنا مدرستي

I. Reading (30m)
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b,c, and d:
1. I do stretching exercises after my training session to .......
a. cool down U1
b. drop out U3
c. plunge in U4
d. tug on U4
2. My father was ...................with me because I lost his car keys.
a. flexible U1
b. native U2
c. furious U3
d. unique U5
3. The baby was crying because he had a painful ear...
a. carpet U6
b. sculpture US
c. community U4
d. infection U2
4. Car racing is an/a ................ dangerous sport.
a. recently U2
b. extremely U1
c. instead of U2
d. securely U4
B) Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list:
(arrow U1/fictional U6 / astonished U47 gravity U3 / equator US)
5. All the characters of this play are ....fictional.... None of them is real.
6. We were all so ... astonished.... when we heard the little girl singing.
7. The force of .....Gravity.... brings everything down to the earth.
8. My classmate shot the ...arrow... at the target and scored 10 points.

B. Reading Comprehension:
Read the following passage carefully, then do as required below:
A hat seller was going to the village market to sell his hats. He walked for a long time through the green forest and felt tired, so he decided to take a rest. He saw a tall tree. He sat under it and soon fell asleep. On the tree, lived many monkeys. They saw the man sleeping with a hat on his head. They all came down to see. They found a bag full of colourful hats next to him. Monkeys like to imitate what people do so, they took the hats and wore them on their heads just like the man. Then, they climbed up the high branches of the tree.
After some time, the hat seller woke up. He found his bag empty. All the hats were missing. He looked around, but he didn't find them. He was very sad. All of a sudden, he heard loud noises coming from above, so he looked up and for his surprise he saw ten monkeys in the tree wearing his hats.
The hat seller wanted to get his hats back but the monkeys were too fast he couldn't catch them. An idea struck his mind. He, at once, took off his hat and threw it on the ground and all the monkeys threw their hats on the ground, too. Monkeys are good imitators. The hat seller collected all the hats and went to sell them in the village market.
A) Choose the correct answer from a,b,c and d:
9. The best title for the story could be:
a. The Village Market
b. The Smart Hat Seller
c. The Green Forest
d. The Colourful Hats
10. The underlined word (imitate) in the 1"paragraph means:
a. to jump high
b. to climb a tree
c. to do what others do
d. to fall asleep

11. The pronoun ( they ) in the 1" paragraph refers to:
a. monkeys
b. people
c. hats
d. heads
12. The hat seller looked up because:
a. he saw the tree branches
b. he heard loud noises
c. he found his colorful hats
d. he was feeling tired
13. The hat seller's bag was empty because:
a. the monkeys took the hats
b. he fell asleep under the tree
c. he sold them in the village market
d. he was surprised
14. The lesson readers learn from the story is that:
a. monkeys are silly animals
b. colourful hats should be kept in a safe place
c. empty hats are good for monkeys
d. smart thinking solves problems
B) Answer the following questions:
15. Why was the hat seller going to the village market?
Because he wanted to sell his hats.
16. How many hats were there in the bag?
There were ten hats.

II. Writing (30m) - A. Grammar (10m)
a) Choose the correct answer:
Have you ever (see - saw - seen ) giant plants? Plants (need - needed - needs) lots of things to live. While (grow - growing - grew) plants, farmers provide them with water, good soil, lots of sunlight and fresh air. (Water - Watering - Watered) the plants regularly keeps them strong and healthy
b) Do as shown between brackets:
21. My cousin is very short. He can't reach the shelf (Join using too....to)
My cousin is too short to reach the shelf.
22. The designer decorated the new big villa. (Change into passive )
The new big villa was decorated by the designer.
23. The clouds always block the sunlight. (Change into negative )
The clouds never block the sunlight/the clouds don't block the sunlight

B. Writing
Astronauts travel into space to live and work. They spend a long time there. They use space shuttles to travel into space.
Plan and write a report of two paragraphs (10 sentences) talking about the food astronauts eat in space and the clothes they use there.
Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion

ملفات تهم طلاب الصف الثامن :
نموذج اجابة اجتماعيات الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019
نموذج اجابة اسلامية الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019
نموذج اجابة رياضيات الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019
نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019
نموذج اجابة اجتماعيات الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019
نموذج اجابة اسلامية الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019
لتحميل ملف نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019 قم باتباع هذه الخطوات:
- اضغط على عبارة "تحميل الملف".
- ستنتقل الي صفحة الملف على سحابة Google Drive تلقائيا.
- تصفح الملف أو قم بتحميله من خلال النقر على رمز التحميل اعلى الصفحة.
- عند تنزيل الملف يتم تشغيله من خلال برنامج قارئ بي دي إف.
- دعمكم لنا من خلال مشاركة رابط المقال ووضع التعليقات التحفيزية يكون دافعا لنشر المزيد من ملفات تعليم الكويت.
تابعنا على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي لموقع مدرستي
صفحة مدرستي على الفيس بوك ( اضغط هنا )
قناة مدرستي على التليجرام ( اضغط هنا )