نموذج اختبار تقييمي تعبير انجليزي تاسع فصل أول #م. التميز 2023 2024

نموذج اختبار تقييمي تعبير انجليزي تاسع فصل أول #م. التميز 2023 2024

نموذج اختبار تقييمي تعبير انجليزي تاسع فصل أول #م. التميز 2023 2024

Al Tamayouz Model       English Department

Grade Nine A Model for training

نموذج للتدريب فقط

Voluntary work has become a necessity nowadays.

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about

“The importance and ways of voluntary Work “

( Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion )



Al Tamayouz Model       English Department

Grade Nine A Model for training

نموذج للتدريب فقط

Many people enjoy adventures and expeditions.

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about

The benefits and dangers of expeditions “

( Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion )



The Answer

The importance and ways of voluntary work

Voluntary work is very important nowadays. There are many ways of voluntary
work. First, We should share in cleaning campaigns. Also, we have to help the poor and
the needy. Moreover, We can plant more trees. Voluntary work helps spread love and
peace . It also keeps the unity of our society.

The benefits and dangers of expeditions

Expeditions are very exciting. They are very useful. People learn new skills.
They also embark on quests. Moreover, they escape the familiar. They may face some
dangers like dangerous animals and bad weather. Expeditions are enjoyable but we
should be careful.


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