نموذج اختبار تقييمي انجليزي تاسع فصل أول #م. التميز 2023 2024

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نموذج اختبار تقييمي انجليزي تاسع فصل أول #م. التميز 2023 2024

نموذج اختبار تقييمي انجليزي تاسع فصل أول #م. التميز 2023 2024

Al Tamayouz Model                    English Department

Grade Nine

Authors play a vital role in our society.

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about

“ An author you admire and the authors role “

( Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion )




Al Tamayouz Model                    English Department

Grade Nine

Voluntary work has become a necessity nowadays.

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about

“ The ways you can volunteer in the community “

( Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion )





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