مذكرة مواضيع تعبير إنجليزي حادي عشر علمي فصل أول #2023 2024

عرض بكامل الشاشة
مذكرة مواضيع تعبير إنجليزي حادي عشر علمي فصل أول #2023 2024

مذكرة مواضيع تعبير إنجليزي حادي عشر علمي فصل أول #2023 2024


III. Writing (40 Marks)

 (وصف مهرجان)Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " A festival you have.to been

Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence

I have been to Hala February Festival in Kuwait.

Supporting details

- most dazzling festival

- streets / beautifully decorated

- people / traditional dress

- amazing firework display

Concluding sentence

To sum up, festivals are important occasions where people can socialize and have fun.

Write your topic here (35 Marks)

I have been to Hala February Festival in Kuwait. It is one of the
most dazzling festivals I have ever seen. Streets were beautifully
decorated with lights and Kuwaiti flags. People wore traditional
dress and they sang and danced joyfully. In the evening we
enjoyed watching an amazing firework display. To sum up,
festivals are important occasions where people can socialize and
have fun.


III. Writing (40 Marks)

(الحج ) Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " The Hajj "


Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence

The Hajj is a religious and spiritual duty for all Muslims.

Supporting details

- one of the five pillars

- the same rituals

- white clothes

- purity and equality

Concluding sentence

To sum up, the Hajj is a great opportunity for all Muslims to wipe their sins and attain forgiveness from Allah.

Write your topic here (35 Marks)

The Hajj is a religious and spiritual duty for all Muslims. It is
one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims come from all over the
world to Mecca to do the same rituals. They wear white clothes
called ihram clothing. The colour white symbolizes purity, as
well as the unity and equality of all believers. To sum up, the Hajj
is a great opportunity for all Muslims to wipe their sins and attain
forgiveness from Allah.


III. Writing (40 Marks)

Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " A family celebration well remember you 

احتفال عائلي ( المثال الأول وصف حفل زفاف )

Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence

I still remember my brother's wedding party.

Supporting details

- luxurious hotel

- bridal suite / meticulously decorated

- guests / beautifully and elegantly dressed

- food / delicious

Concluding sentence

To sum up, family celebrations are important occasions as they strengthen family ties and bring family members together.

Write your topic here (35 Marks)

I still remember my brother's wedding party. It was held in a
luxurious hotel overlooking the sea. The bridal suite in the hotel was
meticulously and marvelously decorated. The guests were
beautifully and elegantly dressed. The food served during the
wedding party was very delicious. To sum up, family celebrations
are important occasions as they strengthen family ties and bring
family members together.


III. Writing (40 Marks)

Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " A family celebration." well remember you

احتفال عائلي ( المثال الثاني وصف حفلة عيد ميلاد )

Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence

I still remember my last birthday party.

Supporting details

- our big house

- hall was beautifully decorated

- friends / elegantly dressed

- cake / delicious

Concluding sentence

To sum up, family celebrations are important occasions as they strengthen family ties and bring family members together.

Write your topic here (35 Marks)

I still remember my last birthday party. It was held last year in
our big house. The hall in our house was beautifully decorated. My
friends were elegantly dressed. The cake served during the party
was very delicious and the atmosphere was fantastic. To sum up,
family celebrations are important occasions as they strengthen
family ties and bring family members together.


III. Writing (40 Marks)

Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " Your favourite place meeting

مكان اللقاء المفضل ( المثال الأول وصف ديوانية ) 

Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence

My favourite meeting place is the Diwanya in my house.

Supporting details

- spacious / U- shape

- richly decorated

- painted white and light blue

- well- lit / well- furnished

Concluding sentence

To sum up, the Diwanya is the most perfect place to meet as it is the place where I feel comfortable and relaxed.

Write your topic here (35 Marks)

My favourite meeting place is the Diwanya in my house. It is
very spacious and has a U-shape. It is also richly decorated which
makes it very attractive. In addition, it is painted white and light
blue. Finally, it is well-lit and well- furnished with beautiful
curtains and comfortable cushions. To sum up, the Diwanya is the
perfect place to meet as it is the place where I feel comfortable
and relaxed.


III. Writing (40 Marks)

Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " Your favourite ." place meeting

مكان اللقاء المفضل ( المثال الثاني وصف مقهى )

Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence

My favourite meeting place is a café called " The Tea House"

Supporting details

- located in the city center

- cozy / relaxing music

- dim lights / relaxed atmosphere

- the décor / simple / elegant

Concluding sentence

To sum up, The Tea House is the perfect place to meet as it is the place where I feel comfortable and relaxed.

Write your topic here (35 Marks)

My favourite meeting place is a café called " The Tea House".
It is located in the city center. It is big and cozy where you can
enjoy listening to relaxing music. The lights in the café are dim,
which creates a relaxed atmosphere. The decor of the café is
simple yet elegant. To sum up, "The Tea House" is the perfect
place to meet as it is the place where I feel comfortable and


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