نموذج للاختبار القصير الوحدة الأولى إنجليزي حادي عشر فصل أول

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نموذج للاختبار القصير الوحدة الأولى إنجليزي حادي عشر فصل أول

نموذج للاختبار القصير الوحدة الأولى إنجليزي حادي عشر فصل أول

I. Vocabulary (20 Marks)

Choose from a, b, c and d to complete the following sentences:(4x5=20)

1- The president's supporters ...................... in the main square to listen to his speech.

a- gathered       b- hired

c- nurtured     d- embarked

2- The library offers a whole .................. of books for young readers.

a- multitude     b- canopy

c- festivity       d- unison

3- My grandmother used to tell me .................... stories at bedtime.

a- bubbly      b- celebratory

c- preoccupied    d- fanciful

4- She decided to leave the job and ................... her children at home.

a- hire        b- embark

c- nurture     d- commemorate

II. Grammar (20 Marks)

Do as shown between brackets: (4 X 5= 20)

5- I managed to finish the project on time. (Make negative)

a. I don't manage to finish the project on time.

b. I didn't manage to finish the project on time.

c. I haven't managed to finish the project on time.

6- Last night, the storm (went off) for nearly five hours. (Correct)

a. Last night, the storm went on for nearly five hours.

b. Last night, the storm went without for nearly five hours.

c. Last night, the storm went up for nearly five hours.

7- Looking after the kids is tiring. (Use extremely)

a. Looking after the kids is tiring extremely.

b. Looking after the kids is extremely tiring.

c. Looking after extremely the kids is tiring.

8- I could speak three languages when I was young. (Make question)

?a. Why could you speak three languages when you were young

?b. How many languages could you speak when you were young

?c. What languages could you speak when you were young

III. Writing (40 Marks)

Write a paragraph of 6 sentences describing " A festival you have been to".

Write your outline (5 Marks)

Introductory sentence:

Supporting details:

Concluding sentence:

Write your topic here (35 Marks)



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