مذكرة محلولة لنماذج الاختبار القصير1 انجليزي ثامن فصل أول #2023 2024
1st Quiz
Vocabulary ( 3 Marks)
a. Choose the correct answer from a), b), c) and d)
1. My brother is a good runner ; he is.............. of running a mile in four minutes.
a) voluntary
b) barriers
d) theme
2. We must work hard to break down..................... in our societies tlive in peace
a) stingy
b) wage
c) casual
d)Jay barriers
My father.................. me a special present when I pass my exams .3
a) cools down
c) lacks
d) gains
Grammar ( 2 Marks)
b) Do as shown between brackets:
1. I have lived in Kuwait since 2010. ( Ask a question)
?how long have you lived in Kuwait
2. The Wright brothers flied( fly) the first airplane in 1903. ( Correct)
Writing ( 5 Marks)
A sound mind is in a sound body." Plan and write two paragraphs ( not less than 10 sentences) about" healthy Living" Explaining how you can keep your body healthy and the importance of having a healthy lifestyle.
* Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.
Pre- writing Plan ( 2 Marks)

Write your topic here
healthy Living
health is wealth. We must live..... a heathy life by eating healthy food. We should avoid fast food. We should do exercises. We must drink water. regularly. healthy lifestyle gives us strang... bodies. It helps us to keep fit... It avoids obesity. It makes us. I do our daily tasks easily. A sound mind is in a sound bady.....
Robot Birds
Liverpool city council wants to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that that people are feeding the birds, which makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet should consist of seeds and insects, not high- fat junk food they are eating in the city centre.
The council wants people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city centre to parks and open spaces.
Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away. Visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds known as' robops'- will sit on the roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. The council hopes that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two years.
?What is the overall idea discussed in the text
how to get rid of fat pigeons from the city
. ? What is the main point expressed in each paragraph
People are the reason for making the pigeons hat.
people are responsible for the crowded streets with Pigeons
Robops will make the pigeons go away by Scaring them.
2nd Quiz
Vocabulary ( 3 Marks)
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d
health Care" is the main……….on this website, so I visit it every now and then.
a) voluntary
b) theme
c) capable
d) gravity.
Work can help improve your life skills, which is a good advantage……..
. a) theme
b) barriers
d) pour
Dr. Salim is...................Biology.
b) separate
c) inspire
d) regimen
Grammar ( 2 Marks)
My brother joined a sports club. he wants to be in a tip top shape ( Join using: in order to)
My brother joined a sports club in order to be in a tip top shape
Emily promised.....…..… all her vegetables. ( Choose)
a) eating
b) eats
c) to eat
d) to eating
Writing ( 5 Marks)"
Travelling into space is a dream of all people."
Plan and write a report of two paragraphs ( not less than 10 sentences) about" life in space" explaining the way astronauts live in space and how it is like camping. * Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion
Pre- writing Plan ( 2 Marks)
Life in Space

Write your topic here
Life in space
Life in space is interesting. Astronauts travel by spaceships. They do experiments in.. space. They wear special suits. They use.... special equipments....
Life in space is like camping. Astronauts take everything with them... They take food and drink. They spend about three months there. They also have to dispose rubbish....
3nd Quiz
Vocabulary ( 3 Marks)
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d
To avoid corona virus., ………you must take the recommended precautions.
a) voluntary
b) strict
c) infection
d) theme
That company………2000 people all around the world.
a) hearty
b) employs
c) wage
d) casual
Sara needs to take a course to……..her English
a) infection
c) overcome
d) casual
Grammar ( 2 Marks)
Do as shown in the brackets
1. The manager has already cancelled the meeting. ( Make negative)
The manager hasn't cancelled the meeting yet
I communicated with a native speaker to improve my English. ( Use: so that)
I communicated with a native speaker So that I could improve my English.
Writing ( 5 Marks)
Plan and write a report of two paragraphs ( 10 sentences) about" Inspiring Physically Challenged People" explaining the challenges that they may face and how we can help them..
Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.
Pre- writing Plan ( 2 Marks)
Inspiring physically challenged people.

Write your topic here
Inspiring physically..challenged... prople...
physically challenged people may face. challenges. Some Societies refuse them... other see them different from others. people thinks I they can't do any activities. Some Societies look at them as weak people......
We can help challenged people. by encouraging and supporting them.... We should treat them as normal..people. They must be provided with special.. equipments. We should look at them always in a positive way. They have the right to live a normal life.