مذكرة النجاح انجليزي تاسع ف2 #2021-2022


مذكرة النجاح انجليزي تاسع ف2 #2021-2022

Unit 7 Happiness


: Choose the correct answer

1-My uncle lives a spiritual life that's why ........... world doesn’t interest him.

a) massive

 b) spiritual

 c) material

 d) conventional

2-The current economic problems can be a source of deep .......for a lot of people

a) quality

 b) anxiety 

c) vendor

 d) regret

3- He always catches cold in this time of the year because Choose the correct answer his..........system is not as strong as it ought to be.

a) immune

 b) confusion 

c) anxiety

 d) depression

4- My children like buying chocolate ice cream from a/an.........on the beach.

a) quality 

b) anxiety 

c) vendor

 d) depression

Fill in the spaces with words from the list

(anxiety / immune / material / vendor / massive)

1-The fear of unemployment can be a source of deep...anxiety.......to people.

2-If the drought continues, deaths will be occur on a .massive......scale


Past Perfect

Form : had + past participle

: Use

1- An action that finished before another past action

ex. Ahmed had gone to work before his mother came back home.

2- An action happened before specific time in the past.

ex. I had never played football before two weeks ago. 

: Key words

already / after / before / just / yet / for / since / until

Do as shown in brackets

1- After she (clean) the house, she took a shower and went to bed.

Correct ----- had cleaned 

2) The class (start) before John did his homework.

Correct ----- had started 

3) I (have) five different jobs by the time I was 30 years old.

Correct ----- had had 

4) My mother (just finish) cooking lunch when we arrived home.

Correct ----- had just finished 

5) My father was tired because he (work) all the week long.

Correct ----- had worked 

Wish تستخدم للتمني  

A) in the present or in the future tense

Wish + past simple

ex: I don't have a car. (real)

I wish I had a car. (not real)

b) in the past tense:(= regret)

wish + (had +v3)

ex: I didn't play football yesterday. (real)

I wish I had played football yesterday. (not real)

Complete the following sentences

1) He didn`t listen to my advice.

I wish he ...... had listened ....to my advice.

2) The weather was cold and rainy.

I wish the weather........ hadn’t been .... cold and rainy...

3) Yesterday I had lunch at a fast food restaurant.

I wish I..... hadn't had .... lunch at a fast food restaurant.

4) I wasted two days building this model.

I wish I....... hadn't wasted .... two days building this model.

5) My brother doesn`t have a car.

He wishes he......... had a car.

The third conditional

if + past perfect .... would +have +past participle

Use: to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.

ex. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn't study and so she didn't pass)

ex. If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel sick).

Correct the verbs between brackets

1- If she had gone to the doctor, she (not be) in so much pain.

would have been

2- The city air wouldn’t have been polluted if they (plant) more trees.

had planted

3- If he had trained more, he (win) the first place in the Olympics.

would have won

4- If I (remember) his birthday, I wouldn’t have forgotten to buy a gift for him.

had remembered

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage then answer the questions below

Cats played an important role in ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians believed that cats protected their life, and they took cats as pets. The popularity of Egyptian cats is found in the mRany ancient Egyptian paintings and carved stone statues.

 Cats and Egypt share a long and interesting history. Many cat experts believe that ancient Egyptians were the first to keep cats at home. At first, it was a practical matter as cats were brought in to protect homes from pests like rats and cockroaches. Eventually though, ancient Egyptians; especially the wealthy, started to adopt cats as pets

. Paintings on tombs and other buildings show spotted, slender cats, which are believed to be the first domestic cats. It is believed that these early Egyptian cats were the ancestors of the Egyptian Mau. This kind is not as well-known as other cat kinds

. Whoever killed a cat in ancient Egypt was put to death. Amazingly there were also laws preventing the exportation of cats. Ancient Egyptians loved cats and were very sad whenever any of the family cats died. Cats were kept and even mummified after death. Cat tombs have been discovered along the River Nile and cat mummies can be found in the tombs of many Egyptians.

 Nowadays, cats are part of the homes of many people around the world. People love their company. Some can't live without having

cats as friends. They take good care of them by providing food and taking them to doctors when necessary.

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c & d

1- ? What is the best title of the passage

a) Cats' Tombs

 b) Cats Nowadays

c) Cats in Ancient Egypt

 d) Ancient Egyptians

2- The opposite of the underlined word "ancient" in the 1st paragraph is

a) clear 

b) reachable

c) modern

 d) necessary

3- The underlined word "them" in the 4th paragraph refers to

a) homes 

b) people

c) cats 

d) friends

4- In ancient Egypt, cats were kept as pets, especially by

a) experts

 b) doctors

c) rich people

 d) poor people

5-… When a family cat died in Ancient Egypt, the family felt

a) happy 

b) sad

c) excited 

d) amazed

b) Answer the following questions

7- ? What happened to those who killed cats in ancient Egypt

They were put to death

8- ? How do experts know that cats were very popular in Ancient Egypt

From the paintings on tombs and other buildings ,cat tombs have been discovered along the River Nile and cat mummies can be found in the tombs of many Egyptians.


“Happiness can be found in harmony with what you think, what you say, and what you do.” Plan and write a report of two paragraphs (not less than 12 sentences) about (Happiness) explaining the different sources of happiness and the importance of happiness for the individuals and the society.

 NB: (Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion)



........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................
.... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................
.... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................
........................... ................................................................................................
.... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

Unit 8 Sports


تحمل / ثباتEndurance
تعاون / تنسيقCoordination

Fill in the spaces with words from the list

(spectators – endurance – coordination – opponent – bouncing – tournament – traditionally – conventional – eliminated – struck)

1- Modern printers have several advantages

over.conventional printers like Wi-Fi printing.

2- My sister is brave. She showed

remarkable..endurance throughout her serious illness last year.

3- Successful companies make effort to ensure

great.coordination. among their employees.

4- Biryani is a famous dish in the Gulf countries

which traditionally came from India.

5- Mohamed Ali Klay was a great boxer. He used to knock

his opponent .down with a single blow.

6- Last night a car went out of control and struck a big
7- The footballer kicked the ball high into the stadium, and one of
the spectators. caught it happily.

8- Unfortunately, our team was eliminated. . from
the .tornament..in the first round.

9- My mother was angry at my little brother who was 
bouncing.upand down on the bed


play / do / go

…..play: football - a game - music - again- along - hockey - cards

….do: homework - work -your best- nothing - business

go: home - meeting - fishing - prison - university

Correct the verbs between brackets

have got a lot of things to do this week. First, I have to (do – go – play) fishing with my grandfather.

gym. I shouldn`t forget to (play – do – go) tennis this week.

My brothers (do – play -go) karate. However, I am not keen on that

sport. Instead, I usually (do – go - play) skiing, but I never (do – play – go) basketball

some / any

 : some

I need some tea, please. (positive)

Would you like some tea? (offer)

 : any

We don't have any sugar. (Negative)

Do you want any help? (Question)

A- Use (a / an / some / any)

1. I usually visit my grandma 3 times a week.

2. I usually have .a cup of tea after breakfast.

3. Have you got .any. books?

4. I'd like to have some. rice, please.

5. Ali had .an accident yesterday.

6. Fahad hasn't got .any brothers.

7. We have met some people in the conference.

Reading Comprehension

Helen packed a small suitcase and hurried out of the house to catch the bus to the station. There was no one else waiting at the bus stop, so it looked as if a bus had just left. Helen looked at her watch anxiously. It was already two o'clock. Her train leaves at two-thirty, and since it would take at least twenty minutes to reach the station, she did not have much time to spare. Just then a taxi came slowly down the road. Helen knew that the fare to the station was at least two pounds, which was more than she could afford ;but she quickly made up her mind that it would be well worth the extra expense in order to catch her train. So, she stopped the taxi and got in. She told the driver that she had to catch a train which leaves at two-thirty. All went well until, just as they were coming out of a side-street into the main road that led to the station, the taxi ran into a car. There was a loud crash and Helen was thrown forward so violently that she hit her head on the front seat. Both drivers got out and began shouting at each other. Helen got out as well, to ask them to stop quarrelling, but neither of them took any notice of her at all. She was wondering what to do when a bus came into sight, going in the direction of the station. The bus stop was not far off, so Helen got her suitcase out of the taxi and ran towards the bus, which had stopped to let some passengers get off. The bus conductor saw her running so he did not ring the bell for the bus to start until she had got on. Helen reached the station just in time and managed to catch her train after all.

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c & d

1. The best title of this story might be

a. Catching the train

b. Helen and the suitcase

c. Shouting in the street

d. The bus station

2. The underlined word “violently” in line (12) means

a. happened in future 

b. acted by force

c. directed by someone 

d. having problems

3.The underline pronoun “them” in line (13) refers to

a. bus conductors

 b. the front seats

c. both drivers

 d. passengers

4. Helen took a taxi because she was afraid of

a. missing the train

 b. her mother

c. busses

 d. the car accident

5. According to the passage, all the following sentences are TRUE except

a. It was 2 o’clock when Helen looked at her clock anxiously

b. Helen knew that the fare to the station was at least twelve pounds

c. The bus conductor saw Helen running so he waited for her until she had got on

d. Both drivers were angry after the crash

6. The purpose of the writer is

a. to tell us that the bus conductor is a kind man

b. to show how Helen behaved when she missed the bus

c- to entertain us by telling a daily life story

d. to suggest ways of solving problems

b) Answer the following questions

7.  ? What did Helen tell the taxi driver when she stopped the taxi and got in

 She told him that she had to catch a train which leaves at two- thirty.

8.?  Why didn't the bus conductor ring the bell for the bus to start

 Because he saw Helen running ,so he waited for her to get on


“Playing sports is very important for our fitness.” Plan and write an article to your school magazine of two paragraphs (not less than 12 sentences) about “A Sport” to be included in your school activities describing its rules and equipment and showing its benefits to students.
 Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.




Unit 9 Medicine


مرض الزهيمرNAlzheimersعرض لمرضNsymptom
حاد - قاسيAdjsevereيتضارب - يتعارض vinterfere
طبيب نفسانيNPsychiatristمعديAdjcontagious
اخصائي أمراضNPathologistحالياAdvcurrently
يبلعVswallowيشير إلىVindicate
يزيد للحد الاعلىVmaximizeأخيراAdveventually
مطهرAdjantisepticيصون - يحافظ علىVmaintain

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c 

1) She is a pretty child, but her........................level is below the level of her sisters.

a) contagious

 b) intellectual

c) spiritual

 d) conventional

2) Recent researches................... that some kinds of medicine can cause a lot of side effects.

a) eliminate 

b) interfere

c) indicate 

d) maintain

3) There is................. among scientists that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

a) quality

 b) spectator

c) symptom

 d) concern

4) The doctor told him that the................ should disappear after two days of taking the tablets.

a) suspicions

 b) concerns

c) symptoms

 d) vendors

Fill in the spaces with words from the list

(currently / indicate / maintain / interfere / eventually)

1- The paintings and carvings on the walls.indicate..the innovations of artists

2- The United Nations always tries to maintain.peace among countries

3- It is not a good behavior to interfere in the others' affairs.
4- They currently have dug a well as a water supply for the villagers


Reported Speech

هو نقل الكلام على لسان شخص أخر غير قائل هذا الكلام.
Use say or said
 Use "said to" or "told" to report what someone said to someone else.


1- Hamad said," I want to go fishing this weekend

 Hamad said (that) he wanted to go fishing that weekend

2- The boys said, "We saw some animals in the zoo yesterday

The boys said that they had seen some animals in the zoo the day before

3- Ali said," We are having a picnic on Friday

 Ali said (that) they were having a picnic on Friday

Do as show between brackets

1) “I have worked in the company for 3 years.” (Report the speech)

the worker said (that) he had worked in the company for 3 years

2) “I have no intention of quitting my job.” (Report the speech)

My uncle told us (that) he had no intention of quitting his job

3) “My friend, Khalid, can speak French and Spanish.” (Report the speech)

Omar said (that) his friend khalid can speak French and Spanish

4) “Our relatives are going to visit us at the weekend.” (Report the speech)

My mother told me (that) our relatives were going to visit us at the weekend

5) “We lived in China for about 5 years.” (Report the speech)

My friend told me (that) they had lived in China for about 5 years

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage then answer the questions below

Once upon a time, a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the purpose of showing his son how the poor people live so he could be thankful for his wealth
They went by a chariot and spent a couple of days on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “Dear son, how was the trip?” “It was great, Dad.” Did you see how poor people can be?” The father asked. “Oh yeah” said the son. “So what did you learn from thetrip Asked the father. The son answered, “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.” “We have imported lights to our garden and they have the stars at night.” “Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.” “We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.” “We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs.” “We have walls around our property to protect us; they have friends to protect them.” With this, the boy’s father was stunned and speechless. Then his son added, “Thanks dad  for showing me how poor we are 

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c & d

1) ? What is the best title of the passage

a) True Rich People

b) A Speechless Father

c) Life On a Farm

d) Fame and Wealth

2)?  What does the underlined word “patio” in the second paragraph mean

a) a small villa

b) an area outside the house

c) the front yard of the house

d) the garden of the house

3)? What does the underlined pronoun “it “in the second paragraph refer to

a) farm

 b) dog

 c) pool

 d) trip

4)................... The purpose of the writer is to

a) inform us about life on farms.

b) persuade us to be wealthy.

c) clarify that contentment has nothing to do with wealth.

d) warn us against the bad effects of living with or near the poor

5).......... The trip to the farm lasted 

a) for one day

 b) for two days

c) for one week 

d) for one night

6) .......According to the passage, all the following statements are TRUE except

a) the father wanted to show his son the life of the poor.

b) on the farm, there were only four dogs.

c) people who live on farms grow their food and they don’t buy it.

d) there were two swimming pools in the house of the wealthy family.

b) Answer the following questions

7) ? How did the father and his son go to the farm

They went to the farm by a chariot

8) ? Why was the father stunned at the end of the story

Because his son saw the real life of the poor people, not that life the father thought


“Prevention is better than cure. Health is the crown the healthy wear, but only the sick can see it.”

Plan and write an e-mail of two paragraphs (not less than 12 sentences) about “Health” showing to your friend the habits to avoid and the precautions to take.

Your name is Salem / Salma and your friend's name is Hassan.

* Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.







Unit 10 Animal Intelligent



Furthermore, In addition, Moreover, Beside, Too, as well
Ex: Salem speaks English very well furthermore, he plays tennisContrast:

However, On the other hand, In contrast

Whereas, Otherwise, Although

ex: English is an easy subject on the other hand, Math is very difficult

Cause & Effect: Therefore, For this reason, Because of this, As a result, Consequently

Ex: We became good swimmers as a result of our hard training

Choose the correct answer between brackets

John Logie Baird invented the television. (In addition – However – Therefore), he tried to make diamond from coal.

 Baird became a businessman (and – since – but) his business failed.

 (Furthermore – Whereas – Provided that), Baird was named one of the greatest Scottish scientists in history.

The boys have to go now, (as a result – on the hand – otherwise) they`ll miss the bus.

(In addition – Whenever – Although), they must not forget their bus

tickets (supposing –unless – lest) the bus driver reject them. All

these things won`t be OK. (while –unless –since) they leave now.

unit 11 Human Intelligence


منحة دراسيةScholarship
علم الكونCosmology
يشخص - يفحصDiagnose
مشهور عالمياWorld - renowned
عالم اقتصادEconomist

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c & d

1. Doctors always................... diseases according to their symptoms.

a) rank 

b) diagnose

c) achieve 

d) revolutionize

2. Many people have great concern to the study of ............ and its secrets.

a) economist

 b) scholarship

c) Cosmology 

d) formula

3. The top student got a ...................to complete his high studies in England

a) economist

 b) scholarship

c) Cosmology

 d) formula

4……. The innovations in technology are 

a) groundbreaking

 b) increased

c) world-renowned 

d) scorching

: B:Fill in the spaces with words from the list

(rank / revolutionize / economist / scholarship / achieve)

7. Computer games designers always revolutionize against the traditional games.

6. It is recommended to consult a/an .economist.before starting any business.

8. It is every student's dream to get a free .scholarship..to study abroad.

9. They rank the winners in the competition according to their scores.


Reported Question & Commands

How to change a question into reported

1. We us (asked)or (wanted to know) or (wondered).

2.We drop the brackets " “, and we replace them with (whether) or (if) in case the question doesn’t contain a question word.

3. We reorder the sentence. (subject + verb + .............)

4. If the question contains one of the following auxiliaries (do- did – does), we should omit them. (in case the auxiliary is “did”, we change the tense into past perfect “had + v 3”)

5. We change pronouns as necessary. The following table will help you

Reportea SpeechDirect Speech

Mona asked me if iwas coming the day after

Ali wanted to Know if Salim was there

Sara asked if that had been my book

Dad asked Ali if he been playing

? Mona said Are you coming tomorrow 

 ? Ali said is Salim here 

? Sara said Was this your book 

 ? Dad said to Ali Were you playing 

Dana asked Maha if she had come home

Salim asked if Omar had seen me

? Dana said Have you come home Maha 

 ? Salim said Has Omar seen you 

Mother asked me if I like that story

Noha asked me if Hala travlled  alone 

Asma asked Wheether Ihad enjoyed the movie

 ? Mother said Do you like this story

? Noha said to me Does Hala travel alone

 ? Asma said did you enjoy the movie

The girl asked me if I could help her 

Hanaa asked if Iwould come to her party

 ?The girl said  Can you help me please

 ? Hanaa said Will you come to my party 

6.Verb tense must be changed as follows 

Present simple ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ past simple

Present continuous ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ past continuous

Present perfect ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ past perfect

Past simple ـــــــــــــــــ past perfect

 Some modals change as follows 

Will + infinitive ـــــــــــــــــ would+ infinitive

Can + infinitive ـــــــــــــــــــــ could+ infinitive

May + infinitive ـــــــــــــــــــ might+ infinitive

Have to / has to+ infinitive ــــــــــــــــ had to+ infinitive

Must + infinitive ــــــــــــــــــ had to+ infinitive

Some modals never change like 

could, would, should, might and ought to

7. Some words in direct questions must be changed as follows

Report the following sentences or questions

1) “Don`t be back late.”

My mother ordered me.not to be back late

3) “? Are you going to the cinema tonight

My friends wanted to know. if I was going to the cinema that night

4) ? “What time did Carrol arrive

He asked me..what time Carrol had arrived

5) “? Does your brother have a computer at home

My friends wanted to know ...if my brother had a computer at home

6) ? “Why did James travel to Italy last summer

He asked me why James had travelled to Italy the previous summer

7) “? What music do you like listening to

My teacher asked me .what music I liked listening to.

8) ? “When are you leaving home

My parents asked me...when I was leaving home

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage then answer the questions below

It is bad to have food stuck between your teeth for long periods of time. This is because food attracts germs which produce acid, and acid hurts your teeth and gums. Flossing helps to remove the food that gets stuck between your teeth. It has been widely accepted that the use of floss has a favorable effect on plaque removal and disease prevention more than regular brushing. The American Dental Association which provided many researches on dental health issues, reports that up to 80% of plaque can be removed with flossing. This fact explains why flossing helps to keep your mouth healthy, but some doctors say that it can be also good for your heart. It may seem strange that something you do for your teeth can have any effect on your heart.
One idea is that the germs that hurt your teeth can leave the mouth and travel into your blood. Germs that get into the blood can attack your heart. Another idea is based on the fact that when there are too many germs in your mouth, the body tries to fight against these germs. For some reason, the way the body fights these mouth germs may end up weakening the heart over time Some doctors think that people who have bad flossing habits

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c & d

1. The suitable title for this passage is

a) Teeth Problems

b) Fighting Teeth Germs

c) How to Brush Your Teeth

d) A Healthy Heart by Flossing

2. The meaning of the underlined word "attracts" in paragraph (1) is

a) pushes

 b) pulls

 c) loses

 d) force

3. ? The underlined word "it" in paragraph (2) refers to

a) fact

 b) plaque

 c) mouth 

d) flossing

4. One of the major benefits of flossing is

a) weakening your heart over time.

b) helping germs to reach your blood

c) preventing food from entering your body

d) removing the food that stuck between teeth.

5. The health of your mouth can be badly affected by

a) preventing diseases.

b) fighting mouth germs.

c) acid that hurt your gum.

d) removing the remains of food.

6. The purpose of the writer from this passage is to

a) teach people how to floss.

b) ensure the importance of flossing.

c) prove that doctors have researches on flossing.

d) show the difference between flossing and brushing.

b) Answer the following questions

7. ?What do doctors recommend people to do to keep their teeth healthy

They recommend them to do Flossing to keep their teeth healthy

8.? How do mouth germs reach the heart

Germs can leave the mouth and travel into the blood, it can attack the heart


The only disability in life is a bad attitude. Plan and write a report of TWO paragraphs (not less than 12 sentences) about some famous disabled people describing their disabilities and achievements including a moral lesson that we can learn from them.







Unit 12 Artificial


مرتبط بـAdjassociatedيحققVachieve
قيادة ذاتيةNSelf - drivingهدفNgoal
متفائلAdjoptimisticبسببPropdue to
الملاحة - السيرNnavigationرائدAdjincreased

Fill in the spaces with words from the list

(artificial intelligence – achieve– trait – relatively – due to – abundance – increased – advance – goals)

1-Fortunately, scientists are making a

good. .advance in treating some illnesses like cancer.

2- Determination and patience are necessary if you want

to..achieve your...goals.

3- Honesty is a/an .trait..which all parents greatly value in their children.

4- Successful scientists should have a/an abundance..of knowledge.

5- All today’s flights were postponed .due to. .the bad storm.

6-The development of ...artificial intelligence. will be a hallmark of this century.

7- Today the weather is...relatively...warm comparing to yesterday.

8- Smokers face a/an .increased...risk of lung cancer.


Comparative& Superlative

Choose the correct answer

Owning cars is my father’s favorite hobby. He has got 5 cars. The blue car is the (new – newer – newest) one. Toyota car is (cheap – cheaper – cheapest) than Mercedes. I think Lexus is the (expensive – more expensive – most expensive) one. It’s very (fast – faster – fastest).

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of adjectives

1- ? Do you think money is .more important than.. (important) good health

2- This coat is.bigger than (big) that one.

3- Rubbish is the worst (bad) problem in some streets.

4- Mount Everest is .the highest  (high) mountain on Earth.

Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage then answer the questions below

We know that editors have organized newspapers well for readers with the most important stories on page one with big headlines and stories of lesser importance somewhere in the back of the newspapers. That isn't the way that we read them though. I come to work on a train most mornings, with a lot of other people, all of whom are reading newspapers. We have about an hour, but an editor would be discouraged to see how we go about reading the paper. We don't follow his directions at all. We all look at the headlines quickly- we don't read the front-page stories unless we have time to come back to them later. We go directly to the articles that interest us most. Of course, there are a few people who do it right. They are often the most successful-looking people on the train. They read the important stories first and then go on to the other one. Other newspaper readers on the train buy a good newspaper, take out their glasses and pencils, and turn immediately to the crossword puzzle. It takes them an hour to finish the puzzle, and I don't think that many of them ever look at anything else in the paper.The way we read newspapers is what gives papers their edge over TV. Unlike TV, with newspapers, the reader is in charge. We can read our newspaper frontward or backward. We can skip what bores us and read the parts that we like. We can study the advertisement that interests us and ignore what doesn't.

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c & d

1.The best title of the passage is

a. What People Do on Trains

b. Why Newspapers Are Important

c. How People Read Newspapers

d. How People Solve Crossword Puzzles

2. The underlined word " ignore " in the last paragraph means:

a. neglect 

b. seek

 c. achieve

 d. lead

3.The underlined word " them " in the 1st paragraph refers to

a. editors

 b. stories 

c. headlines

 d. newspapers

4. According to the 3rd paragraph, the writer thinks that many of those who do crossword puzzles

a. always read everything else that there in a newspaper.

b. rarely read anything else that there in a newspaper.

c. are not that smart because they take too long doing puzzles.

d. should read a newspaper backward, not frontward.

5. According to the last paragraph, all the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT

a. Readers can read the parts they like in newspapers.

b. Readers can skip advertisements that interest them.

c. Readers can skip the parts that bore them in newspapers.

d. Readers can read newspapers either frontward or backward.

6. The purpose of the writer is to

a. persuade us to read newspapers.

b. entertain us with a story about newspapers.

c. inform us of the different ways people read newspapers.

d. explain to us how editors organise newspapers.

: b) Answer the following questions

1. ? How do the most successful-looking people read newspapers

They read the important stories first and then go on to the other one

2. ? Where, in a newspaper, would you look for important news and stories

The most important stories on page one with big headlines.


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