مذكرة اختبارات انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. عبدالقادر فتح الله 2021 202

عرض بكامل الشاشة


مذكرة اختبارات انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. عبدالقادر فتح الله 2021 202

مذكرة اختبارات انجليزي عاشر ف2 #أ. عبدالقادر فتح الله 2021 202

A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4x5= 20 Marks)

 1- Using cell phones in cars can be ........................ as they distract drivers from the road.
 a- finite b-hazardous C-strong d- irreversible

 2-The solar power can be used to provide power to all ...........................at home.
 a-polymers b-wearers c-motorists  d-appliances 

3- We have to ......................... some money from the bank to go shopping,
 a-innovate b- trespass C-draw d-implement 

4- Scientists try to use ...........................shells that can destroy tumors by heating them.
 a- self-employed b-gold-coated c-legible d- obedient

B. From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (2x5=10 Marks)

5.  (correct the verb)  If we heat water to 100 degrees, it (evaporate)
 a- If we heat water to 100 degrees, it would evaporate.
 b- If we heat water to 100 degrees, it evaporated. 
C- If we heat water to 100 degrees, it evaporates

 6 (Complete) -.................. I can't speak French. I wish I
 a- I can't speak French. I wish I could speak French
 b- I can't speak French. I wish I will speak French.
 C- I can't speak French. I wish I can speak French.

Plan and write a paragraph of 6 sentences about "The advantages of alternative energy sources"

The Outline (5 marks)

 I. Introductory sentence:



II- Supporting details:



III- Concluding sentence:



Write Your paragraph Here (25 Marks)











A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4x5= 20 Marks)

 1-Ali suffers from..........................., so he can't breathe easily.
 a- motoring b -appliance C- asthma d-waste 

2-...........................the number of cars will help to solve congestions in roads and streets 
a- Consulting b- Generating C-Squandering d-Diminishing 

3-..............  I can't understand anything of this article, the writing isn't very
a-latest b-bifocal - legible d-obedient

 4- I like this photograph. It always ....... ............me of the happy moments with my family.
 a-draws b-reminds C-instigates d- transmits

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (2x5= 10 Marks

5-(Complete)......................  If Fouz listened to her teacher,
 a-If Fouz listened to her teacher, she won't be punished. 
b- If Fouz listened to her teacher, she wouldn't be punished.
 C- If Fouz listened to her teacher, she wouldn't have been punished.

6-(Correct)  I don't have much money, I wish I (be) rich.
a- I don't have much money; I wish I have been rich.
 b-I don't have much money; I wish I were rich.
C-I don't have much money; I wish I am rich

Plan and write a paragraph of 6 sentences about "The disadvantages of alternative energy"

The Outline (5 marks)

I- Introductory sentence:


II- Supporting details:


III- Concluding sentence:


Write Your paragraph Here (25 Marks)















A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4x5= 20 Marks)

 1-A/An…………......must keep alerted to avoid injury or death caused by accidents.
 a-motorist b-appliance c- congestion d-breakdown 

2-By dialogue and discussion, everybody can .....................his disagreements and disputes. 
a-spoil b-generate C- resolve d -squander

 3- In Egypt, some streets have ...............flooding in winter due to its bad and old draining system.
 a- patient b- frequent C- bifocal d-obedient

 4- The air bag is intended to protect the.. .........and the head of the car drivers.
 a-smog b-spot C-reputation d- torso

B-From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (2x5= 10 Marks)

 5- If you (not quit) smoking right now, you will lose your lungs. (Correct the verb)
 a-If you didn't quit smoking right now, you will lose your lungs.
 b- If you won't quit smoking right now, you will lose your lungs. 
C-If you don't quit smoking right now, you will lose your lungs.

6-(Make negative)  He had to pay a fine because he violated the speed limit.
a-He didn't have to pay a fine because he violated the speed limit.
 b-He hadn't had to pay a fine because he violated the speed limit.
 C-He doesn't have to pay a fine because he violated the speed limit.

Plan and write a paragraph of 6 sentences about "The advantages of using Technology"

 The Outline (5 marks)

I- Introductory sentence:


II- Supporting details:


III- Concluding sentence:


Write Your paragraph Here (25 Marks)





















A- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d: (4x5= 20 Marks)

 1-............................John always suffers from a severe headache. I think he needs to .
 a specialist. a-consult b- spoil c- diminish d-procure

 2-Fossil fuel sources are........... ......So we must reduce using them to prolong their us
 a-latest b- finite C-self-employed d -outlandish

 3- My parents celebrated their 40th wedding........... .............. last night.
 a-asthma b-congestion C-smog d-anniversary

 4- I looked for a ................. shop to meet an expert because my mobile screen got frozen.
 a-software b-congestion C-smog d-breakdown

B- From a, b, and c choose the correct answer as required: (2x5= 10 Marks)

5-If the teacher ( not help ) us, we wouldn't solve the problem. (Correct The verb)
a-If the teacher didn't help us, we wouldn't solve the problem.
 b- If the teacher doesn't help us, we wouldn't solve the problem.
C-If the teacher hadn't helped us, we wouldn't solve the problem.

(Correct the verb) 6- It's raining heavily; I wish I (bring) my umbrella.
 a- It's raining heavily, I wish I bring my umbrella. 
b-It's raining heavily; I wish I brought my umbrella. 
C-It's raining heavily; I wish I will bring my umbrella.

Plan and write a paragraph of 6 sentences about "Ways of conserving energy at homes and in cars."

The Outline (5 marks)

1- Introductory sentence:


II- Supporting details:


III-Concluding sentence:


Write Your paragraph Here (25 Marks)














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