مخططات للمنهج انجليزي عاشر ف2

عرض بكامل الشاشة


مخططات للمنهج انجليزي عاشر ف2

مخططات للمنهج انجليزي عاشر ف2

 generating electricity - making petrol for cars-operating machines - heating - making diesel for buses
Disadvantages finite - causes pollution - harms the environment - destroys animals' natural habitats

 Clean - green - renewable-free-not polluted

 Solar Power -can't be collected at night or when it is cloudy - Solar panels are expensive

 Wind Power
 - needs large space
 -dangerous for birds 
- destroys the beauty of fields.

Wave Power
 - dangerous for fish and ships 
- puts tourists off

Unit 10: Stories

Benefits of Telling Stories 
. the tools to wisdom
the wings for imagination
gaining experience 
 reducina social isolation

Types of Stories
. Stories that entertain
Historical stories
 Moral stories
 Fictional stories

Flying Stories
The pilot's job

- seeing different countries
 - travelling around the world
 - making many friends
 - earning high salary

- being responsible for people's lives.
 - being away from home for a long time.
 - facing many dangers

- attending special flying courses
 - being ready to deal with emergencies
 - training and up-dating himself

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