مذكرة محلولة انجليزي خامس ف2 #أ. سالي حلمي2021 2022

عرض بكامل الشاشة


مذكرة محلولة انجليزي خامس ف2 #أ. سالي حلمي2021 2022

مذكرة محلولة انجليزي خامس ف2 #أ. سالي حلمي2021 2022

Unit 5 Vocabulary

معاني الوحدة الخامسة

 - مضيف جوي attendant       - متحمس excited

 - passport control الجوازات         - exit مخرج
 - قناع mask         - صالة المغادرة lounge departure
 - سترة vest         - صالة األمتعة hall baggage
 - check in يفحص     - passenger مسافر
 - جهة الوصول destination     - رحلة جوية flight
 - قارة continent       - علي متن الطائرة aboard
 - عدد السكان population      - حزام belt
 - الحياة البرية wildlife      - يربط الحزام fasten
 - بشكل طبيعي normally     - يتمني wish
 - ثري wealthy      - كتيب leaflet

قواعد الوحدة الخامسة

The Present Perfect التام المضارع

 - يعبر المضارع التام عن حدث حدث بالماضي ومازال اثره مستمرا بالحاضر.

 تأتي مع have (I-We-They-You)

 تأتي مع has (He-She-It)


Has + P.P تصريف ثالث

يتكون من

I haven’t seen Failaka Island.
He hasn’t been to London.


Hasn’t + P. تصريف ثالث

عند النفي

I have just arrived.


الكلمات الدالة
تصريف ثالث

present حاضر-


معنى الفعل

تصريف ثالث 


حاضر present


معنى الفعل

1-The plane has just (land – landed - landing).
2-The car has just (arrive- arrives- arrived).
3-We have (made – make- makes) a sign.
Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:

Ali and Nasser have just (be - been- are) to Dubai. They (have-
has- is) stayed in a hotel. They have (visit- visited- visiting) many

places. Ali has (meet- met- meeting) his best friend there.
حروف الجر الدالة علي المكان place of Prepositions

  - in front of في الامام        - turn right  يتجه يمين
- يتجه يسار left turn          - في الخلف behind
- في الطابق العلوي upstairs        - بالمنتصف between
 - في الطابق السفلي downstairs        - بجوار to next
   - سيدافي خط مستفيم on straight        - داخل inside
خارج outside

حروف الجر الدالة علي الوقت time of Prepositions


in 2020-in May-in the morning-in
summer – in the 19th century.
تاتي مع السنين والشهور واوقات اليوم وفصول السنةin
on Sunday-on February 25th
on weekdays- on my birthday
تاتي مع ايام الاسبوع والتاريخ الكاملon

at 6 o’clock - at the weekend

at night

Christmas - night- weekend – تاتي مع الساعة
bedtime - the end of the month



1-It’s hot (on – in - at) summer.
2-Saleh always visits his grandma (in- at- on) Friday.
3-I never go to school (in – on- at) the weekend.
Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:
Jareer bookshop is in Hawally. It’s located (behind- between- in
front) of Hawally Co-operative Society. It’s (inside- next-between)
to Hawally Park. You can find many books (inside- outside- upstairs)
it. It was built (in- on- at) 1979.

أدوات االستفهام questions Wh

من للعاقللماذا للسببمتى للوقتاين للمكانماذامعناها
How manyHow longHow oftenHow muchHowالكلمة
كم للعددكم المدةكم عدد المراتكم السعركيف الحالمعناها

1- (How – When - Where) do you go to school? I go by car.
2- (What- When- Who) do you sleep? I sleep at 9 o’clock.
3- (Where – What- How much) does it cost? It’s 20 K.D.

The Present Simple المضارع البسيط

It + ( V1+ s)
He eats fish.


مصدر They + V1 

I always eat fish.

يتكون من

عند النفي نستخدم ’doesnt + V1

He doesn’t eat fish.

عند النفي نستخدم  don’t +1V

I don’t eat fish.

عند النفي
 ? What does (he-she-it) + V1
 ? What does he want
 ? What do (you-they-we)+ V1 
 ? What do you want
عند السؤال

always- usually- sometimes- often -never

Ali usually eats fish.

always- usually- sometimes- often -never

Ali usually eats fish.

الكلمات الدالة

1-Ali always (run – runs - running) in the park.
2-Saad usually (visit- visiting- visits) his grandma every week.
3-Nasser never (plays – play- playing) in the street.
Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:
Hassan is a good boy. He always (get- gets- getting) up at 6-o’clock. He (go – going – goes) to

school at 7o’clock. He usually (do-
-doing – does) his homework at 3 o’clock. He often (watches- watch –watching) TV in the afternoon


Choose the correct answer from a ,b,c and d:-
1- You can check your passport at the ...........................
a) wildlife b) mask c) passport control d) baggage hall
2- The captain welcomed the passengers ....................................the plane.
a) heavily b) joyfully c) kindly d) aboard
3- Asia is the biggest.......................................in the world.
a) passenger b) continent c) attendant d) flight
4- The flight attendant asked the man to........................his seat belt.
a) fasten b)wish c) arrive d) land

5-Ali was wearing a tiger .................................
a) leaflet b) mask c) passenger d) exit
6- I ....................................I had a Lamborghini car.
a) fasten b) check c) land d) wish

7- You should read the safety guide ..................................
a) belt b) wildlife c) leaflet d) destination

8- Aisha wants to be a ......................................when she grows up.
a) flight attendant b) mask c) belt d) vest

9- Kuwait’s .......................................... is about 4 million.
a) flight b) wildlife c) population d) mask

10-There are four emergency ....................................on the plane.
a) exits b) masks c) vests d) leaflets

Vocabulary (6 Marks) مفردات

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: - (4x11⁄2=6 M)
1- People who drive cars should wear seat.................................
a) masks      c) flights

b) belts     d) leaflets

2- Passengers should...............................in before their flight.
a) fasten     c) check
b) borrow     d) wish

3- Adel is very ..............................................about his new phone.
a) excited       c) artistic

b) ancient      d) touristic

4- Nasser is breathing.........................................now.
a) warmly      c) suddenly

b) aboard     d) normally

Grammar (6 Marks) قواعد

Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(3x2= 6 Marks)

1- Saud has just.........................................his homework.
a) write b) wrote c) written

2- Aisha was born................................................March 1st
a) in b) on c) at

3- Four billion people ...............................................in Asia.

a) live b) lives c) living

Spelling (4 Marks) املاء

I. Reading (20 Marks)
A) Vocabulary (8 Marks)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d :-( 4x2= 8 Marks)
1-China and India have the largest..............................in the world.
a) vest       c) leaflet
b) mask      d) population

2- My uncle is a.............................. man. He’s got a lot of money.
a) excited     c) wealthy
b) ancient     d) artistic

3- Forty-eight sailors went ........................................the ship.
a) aboard     c) heavily
b) deeply     d) kindly

4- I ..............................you the best of luck.
a) fasten      c) check
b) wish       d) carry

B) Reading Comprehension (12 Marks)
Read the following Passage and answer the questions:-

Sara saw smoke coming from her house, so she began to run. It
was coming out of the front window. Sara couldn’t see her
grandfather. He lived with them and had a room upstairs at the
back of the house. Sara’s father didn’t wait for the firemen, and he
pushed his way towards the front door. He put a cloth over his face
and ran up the stairs very quickly. Grandfather was sleeping
peacefully. At the top of the stairs, the old grandfather climbed
into Sara’s father’s back. The firemen put out the fire and carried
the grandfather into the ambulance.


a)Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c and d:-(4x2=8 Marks)
1-The Best title for this passage could be:-
a) Running in the Street      b) A Lucky Grandfather
c) Blow out Candles       d) A Terrible Dream
2- The opposite of the word “top” in line 7 is.......................
a) cold      b) small
c) fast       d) bottom
3- The underlined word “it” in line 1 refers to..............................
a) smoke        b) window
c) room       d) ambulance
4- Sara’s father went into the house to .............................................
a) call the ambulance        b) cover his face
c) save grandfather’s life      d) see the fire

B) Answer the following questions :-( 2x2=4 Marks)

1- ? Why did Sara run in the street?

because she saw smoke coming from her house
2- ? What was Sara’s grandfather doing 

he was sleeping peacefully

II. Writing (20 Marks)
A. Grammar (8 Marks)

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(4x2= 8 Marks)
1- Nasser has just ....................................in from Canada.
a) fly      b) flown      c) flew

2- I will visit my grandmother ....................................Friday.
a) in      b) at     c) on

3- The car park is .......................................to the bookshop.
a) next      b) left       c) inside

4- Bader usually ....................................up at 5 o’clock.
a) get      b) got      c) gets

B) Writing (12 Marks)
a) Writing a paragraph (8 Marks)
a) Fill in the graphic organizer and then use it to write a paragraph of

not less than 4 sentences about” Travelling to Canada”
(Canada – family – by - plane – shopping - skiing)

travelling to canada

I went to Canada last year.I went
with my family. I went there by plane. I
went skiing and shopping.

b. Spelling (4 Marks)

Write the missing words to complete a text/short story :( 4x1=4 M)

بالتساوي        equallyجنوب        south
يبحر       navigateخطوة      step
الملاحة- الابحار       navigationبركة        pond
إختراع        inventionغرب        west
نجار السفينة       shipwrightشمال        north
صانع الاحذية        shoemakerشرق         east
سقا- بائع الماء         vendor waterكنز        treasure
رحلة صيد       safariاتجاهات       directions
تقليدي      traditionalبوصلة         compass
ذو نكهة        flavouredبشكل صحيح            correctly
حار - متبل          spicyيتبع      follow

قواعد الوحدة السادسة

Choose: -
1-Mohamed (meet– met- meeting) his friends yesterday.
2-Saad (buy- buys- bought) a new IPad last week.
3- In the past, people (lived – lives- living) in mud houses.
Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:-
Last winter Rakan (go- went- gone) to Canada. He (spend –
spending – spent) two weeks there. He (eat- ate – eating) delicious
Canadian food. He also (enjoy- enjoys – enjoyed) shopping there.


Choose the correct answer from a ,b,c and d:-
1- Directions help us to reach different places....................................
a) deeply b) aboard c) correctly d) heavily

2- You should...........................the instructions in the cooker leaflet.
a) follow b) fasten c) wish d) navigate

3- The .................................of the A.C helps people around the world.
a) compass b) south c) invention d) safari

4-They went on .................................in Kenya with their friends.
a) safari b) compass c) east d) shipwright

5- The ....................................food of Kuwaiti people is Machboos.
a) flavoured b) spicy c) traditional d) excited
6-He was the first man to .................................... to the Atlantic.
a) navigate b) breathe c) faint d) need
7- Haya must find a good .................................to fix her shoes.
a) water vendor b) shoemaker c) step d) treasure
8- There are many ducks in the .....................................
a) step b) compass c) pond d) invention
9- The.................................is an old Kuwaiti job.
a) treasure b) pond c) direction d) shipwright
10- Islam is our .............................................
a) pond b) treasure c) west d) east

Vocabulary (6 Marks) مفردات

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: - (4x11⁄2=6 M)

1- The needle of the ...........................points to the north.
a) treasure c) compass
b) invention d) east

2- Passengers must .................................the safety rules on the plane.
a) navigate c) wish
b) fasten d) follow

3- Most Indian food is ..........................................and flavoured.
a) spicy c) artistic
b) artistic d) sandy

4- Mothers should love all their children..................................
a) aboard c) suddenly

b) heavily d) equally

Grammar (6 Marks) قواعد

Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(3x2= 6 Marks)

1- We..........................................delicious Japanese food yesterday.
a) eat b) ate c) eats

2- ....................................did Ali go to Failaka? He went by boat.
a) How b) What c) Where

3- Don’t .............................................in the mud, Salem.
a) playing b) plays c) play

Spelling (4 Marks) املاء

I. Reading (20 Marks)
A) Vocabulary (8 Marks)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d :-( 4x2= 8 Marks)

1- You should..........................................the doctor’s orders.
a) navigate c) wish
b) fasten d) follow

2- Hamad likes milk ...........................with vanilla and chocolate.
a) excited c) traditional
b) flavoured d) spicy

3- A......................................................sold water in old Kuwait.
a) shoemaker c) water vender
b) shipwright d) safari

4- Adel answered .............................................all the questions.
a) correctly c) equally
b) aboard d) joyfully

B) Reading Comprehension (12 Marks)
Read the following Passage and answer the questions:-
Salem is in South Africa. He wants to see wild animals. He sets
off in his jeep with his parents. The weather is very hot and the sun
is blazing. Animals like giraffes, tigers, and rhinos are walking
around. Salem drives his jeep slowly to where a mother elephant is
standing with her child. Salem catches his breath as they suddenly
start running towards him. Just before reaching the jeep, they
amazingly stop and go away. “They are just playing around.” whispers
Salem. After a while, he sees a lion eating a zebra. Feeling sorry for
the zebra, Salem closes his eyes and drives away.

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:-(4x2=8 M)

1-The Best title for this passage could be:-
a) Salem and The Elephant b) The lion and The Zebra
c) Trip in Africa d) Salem’s New Jeep
2- The underlined word “blazing” in line 3 means........................
a) beautiful b) very hot
c) cool d) wild
3- The underlined word “they” in line 5 refers to..............................
a) tigers and giraffes b) mother elephant and her child
c) giraffes and rhinos d) Salem and his parents
4-Salem goes on a trip to .................................................
a) enjoy the nice weather b) drive a jeep
c) see wild animals d) see some rivers

B) Answer the following questions :-( 2x2=4 Marks)
1-  ? Where does the story happen

in south africa
2- ? Why does Salem close his eyes in the story

because he feels sorry for the zebra

II. Writing (20 Marks)
A. Grammar (8 Marks)

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(4x2= 8 Marks)
1- My grandma.................................us a story last night.
a) tell b) told c) tells

2- .......................................do you live? I live in Bayan.
a) Why b) What c) Where

3- ..........................................north, then turn right.
a) Go b) Goes c) Going

4- Don’t..........................................on the broken glass.
a) walks b) walking c) walk

B) Writing (12 Marks)
a) Writing a paragraph (8 Marks)

a) Fill in the graphic organizer and then use it to write a paragraph of

not less than 4 sentences about” Kuwait”
(Asia – hot – sunny - Arabic – Machboss - Metabak)


Kuwait lies in Asia.The weather is hot
and sunny in Kuwait. Kuwaitis’ traditional
dishes are Machboss and Metabak.Kuwaitis
speak Arabic.

b. Spelling (4 Marks)

Write the missing words to complete a text/short story :( 4x1=4 M)

I. Reading (20 Marks)
A) Vocabulary (8 Marks)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d :-( 4x2= 8 Marks)

1- Salman is very..........................................about going back to school.
a) spicy c) excited
b) flavoured d) traditional

2- People used stars and sun to ...........................in the past.
a) decide c) wish
b) fasten d) navigate

3- GPS helps people reach places ....................................
a) correctly c) heavily
b) aboard d) equally

4- Africa is very rich with.................................
a) exit c) compass
b) wildlife d) pond

B) Reading Comprehension (12 Marks)

Read the following Passage and answer the questions:-
Salem Al Shab is a Saudi engineer. He studied at a university
in Paris. One summer day, when he was on his way to work, he saw
some poor people who lived in the open air. Suddenly, he had an idea.
He thought of the large land behind his house to build as a home
for them. Because he did not have enough money, he started to
collect it from the rich people in the city. Everyone was kind and
helpful. As an engineer, he began building the houses, and many
young people came to help.

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:-(4x2=8 M)
1-The Best title for this passage could be:-
a) A University in Paris b) The Rich People
c) A Home for the Poor d) A Lazy Engineer
2- The opposite of the word “large” in line 4 is..................................
a) small b) poor
c) old d) kind
3- The underlined word “it” in line 6 refers to..............................
a) land b) money
c) home d) idea
4- Salem studied at university in ...............................................
a) In Kuwait b) In Saudi Arabia
c) In Syria d) In France

B) Answer the following questions :-( 2x2=4 Marks)
1-  ? What was Salem’s idea

he thought of the large land behind his house to build as a home for them
2-  ? How was the weather when Salem saw the poor people
it was hot

unit 7

قواعد الوحدة السابعة

1-Yesterday, Ali (go– going- went) to the zoo.
2-How did you (spent- spends- spend) your summer holiday?
3-When (do- did- does) Fatima go yesterday?
4-Adel (visit-visited-visits) the dentist last week.

1-Adel should (sleep– sleeps-slept) early.
2-Salma (should- can- shouldn’t) hit her sister.
3-Ahmad (should- shouldn’t- can’t) study hard to get high marks.
4-We shouldn’t (throws-throw-throwing) rubbish on the street.

First If Conditional if قاعدة

تعبر قاعدة if في الحالة االولي عن شيء يمكن حدوثه بالمستقبل

1-If I (study – studied- studies) hard, I will get high marks.
2-If Ali travels to Dubai, he (meet- meets- will meet) his friends.
3- If Nasser is late, he (will miss – missed- miss) the train.

Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:
Ali (is – am - are) very sick today. If he (take – takes – taking)
his medicine, he will (feel – feels- felt) well. He shouldn’t (buys –
buy -bought) food from the street. He should (rests- rest- resting).

1-The weather is hot and (sun– sunny).
2-There is (noise- noisy) here.
3-This big diamond is (shiny– shine) and sparkling

Grammar (6 Marks) قواعد

Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(3x2= 6 Marks)

1- If Ahmad works hard, he.......................................the exam.
a) pass b) will pass c) passing

2- Salma .......................................up late yesterday.
a) wake b) wakes c) woke

3- The weather is hot and.............................................today.
a) sunny b) sun c) sunnier

II. Writing (20 Marks)
A. Grammar (8 Marks)

1- If Saleh.................................to London, he will see Big Ben.
a) going b) go c) goes

2- Salem....................................under a tree yesterday.
a) sit b) sat c) sits

3- My dad eats .......................................food.
a) healthy b) healthier c) health

4- You should..........................................your teeth twice a day.
a) brushes b) brushed c) brush

unit 8 vocabulary

قواعد الوحدة الثامنة

The Present Simple البسيط المضارع

يعبر عن عادة أو حقيقة

1- We usually (sleep– sleeps– sleeping) early.
2-Adel never (playing – play - plays) with fire.
Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:
It’s sports Day. Mum and Saad (go- goes- going) to school to watch

 - Ahmad .Ahmad (wear- wearing- wears) his running shoes. He (run- runs-
running) fast. Ahmad is the winner of the race

1-Nasser is good at (play – plays - playing) football.
2-Mariam is good (at – on - of) swimming.
3-Mona isn’t good at (sing – singing - sings).

Choose the correct answer from the words between brackets:
Hamad is good (in - on - at) playing piano. His sister Salma is good at (paint
-painting- painted) pictures. His dad (is - isn’t- are) good at swimming, he
can’t swim. His mum (is - am- are) good at cooking.

1- Don’t (run – runs – running) in the street.
2- (Washed – Wash - Washes) your hands, Ali.
3- (Open – Opens - Opening) the door, Sara.

1- I like (doing – going – playing) karate.
2-Salem usually (plays – goes - does) fishing.
3-Ali (plays – does - goes) basketball.


Choose the correct answer from a ,b,c and d:-
1- Karate helps you to be more ...........................
a) wearable b) sticky c) spicy d) confident

2- You should ....................................before and after walking.
a) stretch b) improve c) download d) tear

3- Smartwatches are interesting .................................devices.
a) sure b) confident c) wearable d) patient

4- You can ....................................apps from the App Store.
a) download b) stretch c) bite d) grind
5- Nasser has a ∕an................................................ body.
a) patient b) athletic c) spicy d) flavoured
6-The treadmill has a ..................................monitor.
a) lifestyle b) heart rate c) muscle d) size
7- I go sailing with my father ..................................
a) really b) frequently c) heavily d) equally
8- Fishing helps Mohamed to be ....................................
a) wearable b) flavoured c) sticky d) patient

9-Walking uses lots of .....................................
a) muscles b) sizes c) ponds d) lights
10- We are living in the age of .....................................
a) size b) heart rate c) technology d) fishing rod

Vocabulary (6 Marks)

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: - (4x11⁄2=6 M)
1- Aisha is a very kind and ..........................................woman.
a) wearable c) patient
b) sticky d) spicy

2- Jassim needs to ..........................................his skills.
a) improve c) stretch

b) download d) tear

3- The ..........................................of my shoes is 32.
a) muscle c) calorie

b) skill d) size

4- Hamad is ...........................good at swimming.
a) twice c) frequently
b) really d) aboard

Grammar (6 Marks)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(3x2= 6 Marks)

1- Sami isn’t good at.......................................
a) sing b) sings c) singing

2- Saleh .......................................tennis every Saturday.
a) plays b) play c) playing

3- Don’t.............................................too many sweets.
a) eats b) eat c) ate

Spelling (4 Marks)

I. Reading (20 Marks)
A) Vocabulary (8 Marks)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d :-( 4x2= 8 Marks)
1- Yousef should join the British Council to ...........................his English.
a) grind c) download
b) improve d) bite

2- Cycling helps Ali to have....................................skills.
a) sticky c) spicy
b) clear d) athletic

3- I go fishing with my friends .....................................
a) frequently c) equally
b) deeply d) correctly

4- Hamad has a healthy .................................................
a) size c) lifestyle
b) calorie d) technology


B) Reading Comprehension (12 Marks)
Read the following Passage and answer the questions:-

Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) is a news service in Kuwait. KUNA
was established in 1956.In 1976, the agency worked alone. It is
located in Kuwait City. KUNA has a section titled "Health and
Environment" that regularly covers news about the environment. It
has an amazing system to collect and give information to mass media
outlets like TV stations, radio stations, apps, and newspapers. It
provides news around the clock. The newsmen and reporters who work
there are experienced and wise. This agency never publishes any news
that is not true.


a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:-(4x2=8 M)
1-The Best title for this passage could be:-
a) A Kuwait Hero b) Health and Environment
c) World Reporters d) A Famous News Agency
2- The underlined word “established” in line 2 means........................
a) opened b) suggested
c) closed d) need
3- The underlined word “It” in line 6 refers to..............................
a) news b) KUNA
c) environment d) section
4- KUNA worked freely by itself in .............................................
a) 2009 b) 1976
c) 1965 d) 2019
B) Answer the following questions :-( 2x2=4 Marks)
1- ? Who works in KUNA

the newsmen and reporters work in kuna 
2-  ? Why is KUNA important
it provides news around the clock - it collects information to mass media

II. Writing (20 Marks)
A. Grammar (8 Marks)

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c:-(4x2= 8 Marks)
1- A successful player never..................................... He wins or learns.
a) lose b) loses c) losing

2- Hassan .......................................newspaper at 3 PM on Friday.
a) reads b) read c) reading

3- Amal is good at..........................................the piano.
a) play b) plays c) playing

4- I like.........................................................judo.
a) playing b) going c) doing

B) Writing (12 Marks)
a) Writing a paragraph (8 Marks)

a) Fill in the graphic organizer and then use it to write paragraph of

not less than 4 sentences about” Football”:-
(football – club – Fridays - keep fit- strong)


My favourite sport is football. I play
it at the club. I play it on Fridays. I play
it to keep fit and strong.

b. Spelling (4 Marks)

Write the missing words to complete a text/short story :( 4x1=4 M)


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