كيف تكتب تقرير لغة إنجليزية ggصف العاشر الفصل الثاني


كيف تكتب تقرير لغة إنجليزية ggصف العاشر الفصل الثاني

كيف تكتب تقرير لغة انجليزية ووصف للصف العاشر الفصل الثاني ثانوية سلمان الفارسي  : نقدم لكم اعزائي الطلاب طريقة وخطوات كتابة التقرير وموضوع الوصف باللغة الانجليزية مع القواعد المطلوبة لذلك والموجودة في كتاب الطالب من منهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الدراسي الثاني وتم اعداد هذا الملف ليساعد الطلبة في التحضير لبنود الامتحان الاخير ومساعدتهم في اثراء لغتهم الانجليزية 

كيف تكتب تقرير لغة انجليزية ووصف الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني  ثانوية سلمان الفارسي : بإمكانكم تحميل هذا الملف على شكل ملف بي دي اف جاهز للتشغيل على اي جهاز لوحي او الكتروني او كمبيوتر كما يمكنكم تصفح الملف فقط من خلال هذه الصفحة من الموقع مباشرة  


Energy Power


Energy is very important. Cars, ships, planes and trains need energy to move. Without energy we can't imagine the world. We get energy from different resources. We have natural resources of energy. Moreover, we have finite resources of energy such as, oil, gas and coal. We have another source of energy that we call "renewable" source. The renewable sources of energy are, solar power, wind power and waves energy

There many disadvantages of the finite sources of energy such as, they cause pollution, cost too much and they are finite

On the other hand, the renewable sources of energy have many advantages that they are infinite. They are clean power

Now, the question is how we could save energy. We should not let all the lights at home on. We should not let the A/C on. We should turn off the gas taps after use. We should turn off water taps as well. Because to save energy is to save life


Science and Technology

العلم والتكنولوجيا

Technology and science is progressing rapidly nowadays. First, they made our life easy and comfortable today. We have all the new technology to communicate with any one in the world instantly. We have our means of communication such as our mobile phones and the internet. We have faxes, e-mails, and we have the ability to make wireless calls at any time we want

In just afew years, these latest inventions and scientific aspects that we can see today will seem very old-fashioned compared to things that scientists are currently inventing. We may have flying cars. We will have some kinds of medicine that cure-all. We will have smart fridges that will automatically inform the supermarket when it runs out of food. We will have smart roads that will diminish the accidents on the roads in the future. Moreover, we have smart clothes and smart and complicated phones. The smart clothes will keep is cool in summer and warm in winter

But we have some disadvantages of science of technology as they make us unhealthy and lazy. So we can say that technology is a double-edged weapon


Car accidents

حوادث السيارات

Car accidents are so dangerous and many people are involved in road accidents. A lot of them are killed or injured seriously. Many cars are lost. So, it is very important for us to learn how to use the roads properly and safely

As roads are very busy nowadays, we should be very careful when crossing one of them. There are many causes of car accidents such as; over speed, bad roads, careless drivers, bad cars and their mechanical problems. We can't forget bad weather also as a cause of car accidents. Another cause of car accidents is not leaving suitabnle space between the cars while driving on the roads. Also, using the mobile phones is an essential reason for car accidents today. Trying to exceed or trespass cars quickly from the right and surpassing in the roundabout from the right are essential causes of cat accidents

Then the question is, how could we avoid car accidents today? The answer is by building good roads at first. Moreover, we should examine our cars before starting off. We should drive carefully. We shouldn't use the mobile phones while driving. We should follow the traffic rules. Careless drivers should be punished. We should fasten our seat belts. Finally remember that over speed is the fastest way to death. Use your car wiselyand be back home safely


طريقة تنزيل كيف تكتب تقرير لغة انجليزية ووصف الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني ثانوية سلمان الفارسي 

بعد تصفحك للملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال ملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال خطوات بسيطة هي:

  • الضغط على زر التحميل الموجود اول المقال.
  • الانتظار والتمهل حتى ينتهي العداد التلقائي.
  • اضغط على زر التنزيل.
  • شغل الملف على جهازك ببرنامج وتطبيق قراءة بي دي اف.
  • اترك لنا تعليق تحفيزي.
  • شارك المقال بين اصدقائك.


تابعنا على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي لموقع مدرستي 

صفحة مدرستي على الفيس بوك ( اضغط هنا )

قناة مدرستي على التليجرام ( اضغط هنا )

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